Markup of Markup on : Budget Views and Estimates Letter, H.R. 711, H.R. 1510, H.R. 1448, H.R. 2167, H.R. 2878, H.R. 234, H.R. 2195, H.R. 1948, H.R. 2911, H.R. 958, H.R. 239, H.R. 2441, H.R. 2545, H.R. 2093, H.R. 2935, H.R. 293, H.R. 2704, H.R. 1257, H.R. 2788, H.R. 2429, H.R. 2726, H.R. 290, H.R. 2419, H.R. 2494, and H.R. 2082.

Committee on Veterans' Affairs

Tuesday, May 4, 2021 (2:00 PM)

Select one
Washington, D.C.
This hearing is fully remote. Member participation will be through Zoom virtual meeting platform.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 234, as introduced - Korean American VALOR Act (Rep. Takano) - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 1948, as introduced – VA Employee Fairness Act (Rep. Takano) - AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 17-11 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 958, as introduced – Protecting Moms Who Served Act (Rep. Underwood) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 239, as introduced – Equal Access to Contraception for Veterans Act (Rep. Brownley) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2545, as introduced – To amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify the role of doctors of podiatric medicine in the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes (Rep. Wenstrup) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2093, as introduced – Providing Benefits Information in Spanish and Tagalog for Veterans and Families Act (Rep. Jeffries) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2441, as introduced – Sgt. Ketchum Rural Veterans Mental Health Act of 2021 (Rep. Axne) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2195, as introduced – To amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify the scope of procedural rights of members of the uniformed services with respect to their employment and reemployment rights, and for other purposes (Rep. Cicilline) - AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 16-11 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 293, as introduced – VA Hospitals Establishing Leadership Performance Act (Rep. Bost) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 1257, as introduced – Homeless Veterans Credit Act (Rep. Pallone) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2704, as introduced – Improving VA Accountability to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Act (Rep. Pappas) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2788, as introduced VA Equal Employment Counseling Modernization Act (Rep. Lamb) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2429, as introduced – VA Police Improvement and Accountability Act (Rep. Rice) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2726, as introduced – VA FOIA Reform Act of 2021 (Rep. Gallego) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 290, as introduced – To amend title 38, United States Code, to render an individual, who transfers certain educational assistance, to which the individual is entitled because of an agreement by such individual to serve in the Armed Forces, to a dependent of that individual, and who fails to complete such agreement, solely liable for the overpayment of such educational assistance (Rep. Bost) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2419, as introduced – Affordable Housing for Homeless Veterans Act (Rep. Mann) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2494, as introduced – To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish in the Department the Veterans Economic Opportunity and Transition Administration, and for other purposes (Rep. Wenstrup) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 711, as amended - West LA VA Campus Improvement Act of 2021 (Rep. Lieu) - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 1510, as amended - Veterans Camera Reporting Act (Rep. McKinley) - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2167, as amended - GI Bill NEED Act (Rep. Sherrill) - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2878, as amended - To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a Native VetSuccess at Tribal Colleges and Universities Pilot Program (Gallego) - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2082, as introduced – VA Supply Chain Resiliency Act (Rep. Bost) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • H.R. 2911, as introduced - VA Transparency and Trust Act of 2021 (Rep. Bost) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:32 PM
  • H.R. 2935, as introduced - VA Beneficiary Debt Collection Act (Rep. Pappas) - EN BLOC #1 AGREED TO BY ROLL CALL VOTE - 22-6 [PDF] Added 05/03/2021 at 02:13 PM
  • H.R. 1448, as amended - PAWS for Veterans Therapy Act (Stivers) - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 05/05/2021 at 02:00 PM


  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1510, the Veterans Camera Reporting Act, offered by Mr. Bost of Illinois - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2167, GI Bill NEED Act, offered by Mr. Moore of Alabama - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2878, ‘Native VetSuccess at 3 Tribal Colleges and Universities Pilot Program Act, offered by Ms. Miller-Meeks of Iowa - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 711, West LA VA Campus Improvement Act of 2021, offered by Ms. Brownley of California - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1448, Offered by Mr. Bost of Illinois - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 05/02/2021 at 01:52 PM
  • Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2878 - Offered by Mr. Cawthorn - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 05/04/2021 at 11:40 AM
  • Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2167 - Offered by Ms. Mace - AGREED TO BY VOICE VOTE [PDF] Added 05/03/2021 at 07:30 PM

Support Documents

  • Notice [PDF] Added 04/30/2021 at 05:22 PM
  • Democratic Budget Views and Estimates Letter - FY 2022 [PDF] Added 05/05/2021 at 10:01 AM
  • Republican Budget Views and Estimates Letter - FY 2022 [PDF] Added 05/05/2021 at 02:05 PM


  • Roll Call Vote - H.R. 2195 [PDF] Added 05/05/2021 at 10:01 AM
  • Roll Call Vote - H.R. 1948, VA Employee Fairness Act [PDF] Added 05/05/2021 at 10:01 AM
  • En Bloc #1 Roll Call Vote - H.R. 2911, H.R. 958, H.R. 239, H.R. 2441, H.R. 2545, H.R. 2093, H.R. 2935, H.R. 293, H.R. 1257, H.R. 2704, H.R. 2788, H.R. 2429, H.R. 2726, H.R. 290, H.R. 2419, H.R. 2494, H.R. 2082 [PDF] Added 05/05/2021 at 10:01 AM

First Published: April 29, 2021 at 02:06 PM
Last Updated: December 2, 2021 at 04:38 PM