Markup of
• H.R. 390 (Rep. Stefanik), “Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area Enhancement Act”;
• H.R. 1395 (Rep. Fitzpatrick), “Delaware River Basin Conservation Reauthorization Act of 2023”;
• H.R. 1584 (Rep. LaLota), “Plum Island National Monument Act”;
• H.R. 2685 (Rep. Owens), “Technology Grants to Strengthen Domestic Mining Education Act of 2023” or the “Mining Schools Act of 2023”;
• H.R. 2687 (Rep. Peltola), To amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to exclude certain payments to aged, blind, or disabled Alaska Natives or descendants of Alaska Natives from being used to determine eligibility for certain programs, and for other purposes;
• H.R. 3047 (Rep. Crane), “Apache County and Navajo County Conveyance Act of 2023”
• H.R. 3173 (Rep. Amodei), “Northern Nevada Economic Development and Conservation Act of 2023”;
• H.R. 3971 (Rep. Hill), “Flatside Wilderness Additions Act”;
• H.R. 4338 (Rep. LaHood), “Route 66 National Historic Trail Designation Act”;
• H.R. 4748 (Rep. Peltola), “Unrecognized Southeast Alaska Native Communities Recognition and Compensation Act”;
• H.R. 5401 (Rep. D’Esposito), “9/11 Memorial and Museum Act”;
• H.R. 6127 (Rep. Moore of UT), “Modernizing Access to Our Public Waters Act” or the “MAPWaters Act”;
• H.R. 6210 (Rep. Wexton), To designate the General George C. Marshall House, in the Commonwealth of Virginia, as an affiliated area of the National Park System, and for other purposes;
• H.R. 6489 (Rep. Peltola), “Alaska Native Village Municipal Lands Restoration Act of 2023”;
• H.R. 6994 (Rep. Kim of CA), “Restoring Our Unopened Trails for Enjoyment and Safety Act” or the “ROUTES Act”;
• H.R. 7516 (Rep. Johnson of SD), “Purchased and Referred Care Improvement Act of 2024”;
• H.R. 7938 (Rep. Bentz), “Klamath Basin Water Agreement Support Act of 2024”;
• H.R. 8012 (Rep. Waltz), “Jackie Robinson Commemorative Site Act”;
• H.R. 8308 (Rep. Harder), “Nutria Eradication and Control Reauthorization Act of 2024”;
• H.R. 8665 (Rep. Lucas), “Supercritical Geothermal Research and Development Act”;
• H.R. 8931 (Rep. Stefanik), To redesignate Saratoga National Historical Park as Saratoga National Battlefield Park;
• H.R. 8946 (Rep. Matsui), “Reversionary Interest Conveyance Act”; and
• H.R. 9516 (Rep. Chavez-DeRemer), “Military Families National Parks Access Enhancement Act”
Committee on Natural Resources
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 (10:30 AM - 2:30 PM)
1324 LHOB
Washington, D.C.
Text of Legislation
- • H.R. 390 (Rep. Stefanik), “Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area Enhancement Act”
- • H.R. 1395 (Rep. Fitzpatrick), “Delaware River Basin Conservation Reauthorization Act of 2023”
- • H.R. 1584 (Rep. LaLota), “Plum Island National Monument Act”
- • H.R. 2685 (Rep. Owens), “Technology Grants to Strengthen Domestic Mining Education Act of 2023” or the “Mining Schools Act of 2023”;
- • H.R. 2687 (Rep. Peltola), To amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to exclude certain payments to aged, blind, or disabled Alaska Natives or descendants of Alaska Natives from being used to determine eligibility for certain programs, and for other purposes;
- • H.R. 3047 (Rep. Crane), “Apache County and Navajo County Conveyance Act of 2023”
- • H.R. 3173 (Rep. Amodei), “Northern Nevada Economic Development and Conservation Act of 2023”
- • H.R. 3971 (Rep. Hill), “Flatside Wilderness Additions Act”
- • H.R. 4338 (Rep. LaHood), “Route 66 National Historic Trail Designation Act”
- • H.R. 4748 (Rep. Peltola), “Unrecognized Southeast Alaska Native Communities Recognition and Compensation Act”
- • H.R. 5401 (Rep. D’Esposito), “9/11 Memorial and Museum Act”;
- • H.R. 6127 (Rep. Moore of UT), “Modernizing Access to Our Public Waters Act” or the “MAPWaters Act”
- • H.R. 6210 (Rep. Wexton), To designate the General George C. Marshall House, in the Commonwealth of Virginia, as an affiliated area of the National Park System, and for other purposes
- • H.R. 6489 (Rep. Peltola), “Alaska Native Village Municipal Lands Restoration Act of 2023"
- • H.R. 6994 (Rep. Kim of CA), “Restoring Our Unopened Trails for Enjoyment and Safety Act” or the “ROUTES Act”
- • H.R. 7516 (Rep. Johnson of SD), “Purchased and Referred Care Improvement Act of 2024”
- • H.R. 7938 (Rep. Bentz), “Klamath Basin Water Agreement Support Act of 2024”
- • H.R. 8012 (Rep. Waltz), “Jackie Robinson Commemorative Site Act”
- • H.R. 8308 (Rep. Harder), “Nutria Eradication and Control Reauthorization Act of 2024”
- • H.R. 8665 (Rep. Lucas), “Supercritical Geothermal Research and Development Act”
- • H.R. 8931 (Rep. Stefanik), To redesignate Saratoga National Historical Park as Saratoga National Battlefield Park
- • H.R. 8946 (Rep. Matsui), “Reversionary Interest Conveyance Act”
- • H.R. 9516 (Rep. Chavez-DeRemer), “Military Families National Parks Access Enhancement Act”
- H.R. 6994 Westerman ANS
- H.R. 3173 Westerman ANS_02
- H.R. 1584 Westerman ANS_104
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 2685 Stauber ANS_077 Revised
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 2687 Peltola ANS_082
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 3047 Westerman ANS
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 4748 Peltola_114
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 6127 Westerman ANS_105
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 6210 Westerman ANS_108
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 7516 Hageman ANS_318
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 5401 Westerman ANS_099 Revised
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 8012 Westerman ANS_106
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 9516 Westerman ANS_103
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 8665 Stauber ANS_02
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 3173 Lee_087 to ANS
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 390 Westerman ANS_110
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 1395 Westerman ANS_107
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 3971 Westerman ANS_109
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 7938 Bentz ANS_047
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 4338 Westerman ANS_111
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
- H.R. 7516 Hageman ANS_318
11/20/2024 at 12:34 PM
Support Documents
- Markup Notice
- Markup Notice Time change
11/18/2024 at 10:53 AM
- Markup Memo
11/19/2024 at 11:12 AM
- Rep. Napolitano FTR Statement on HR 4338
11/21/2024 at 01:53 PM
- Rep. Stauber FTR NMA Support Letter
11/21/2024 at 01:53 PM
- Chairman Westerman FTR -- Statement from Rep. Waltz on HR 8012
12/04/2024 at 03:30 PM
- Updated Committee Action
12/13/2024 at 03:04 PM
First Published:
November 15, 2024 at 09:08 PM
Last Updated:
December 13, 2024 at 03:04 PM