Meeting: Subcommittee Markup of 4 Bills

Subcommittee on Communications and Technology (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 (2:00 PM)

2123 RHOB
Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 2864, the Countering CCP Drones Act (Stefanik) [PDF]
  • H.R. 820, the Foreign Adversary Communications Transparency Act (Stefanik) [PDF]
  • H.R. 1513, the Future Uses of Technology Upholding Reliable and Enhancing Networks (FUTURE Networks) Act (Matsui) [PDF]
  • H.R. 7589, the Removing Our Unsecure Technologies to Ensure Reliability and Security (ROUTERS) Act (Latta) [PDF]


  • Amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 2864, the Countering CCP Drones Act [PDF] Added 03/11/2024 at 09:48 AM
  • Amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 820, the Foreign Adversary Communications Transparency Act [PDF] Added 03/11/2024 at 01:48 PM

Support Documents

  • Markup Memo [PDF] Added 03/11/2024 at 09:48 AM
  • Markup Notice [PDF] Added 03/11/2024 at 09:48 AM
  • Vote Summary - 03.12.24 C&T Markup [PDF] Added 03/12/2024 at 05:35 PM


  • HR 820 - Final Passage [PDF] Added 03/12/2024 at 05:25 PM
  • HR 1513 - Final Passage [PDF] Added 03/12/2024 at 05:25 PM
  • HR 2864 - Final Passage [PDF] Added 03/12/2024 at 05:25 PM
  • HR 7589 - Final Passage [PDF] Added 03/12/2024 at 05:25 PM

First Published: March 8, 2024 at 04:41 PM
Last Updated: March 12, 2024 at 05:35 PM