Hearing: Second Class Workers: Assessing H2 Visa Programs' Impact on Workers

Subcommittee on Workforce Protections (Committee on Education and Labor)

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 (10:15 AM)

via Zoom Select one
Washington, D.C.
Public viewing access is shown via the Committee's website: https://edlabor.house.gov/hearings-and-events This is a hybrid hearing, Members may choose to participate in person or remotely.


Mr. Daniel Costa
Director of Immigration Law and Policy Research, Economic Policy Institute, Washington, DC

Added 07/20/2022 at 11:58 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 07/25/2022 at 02:05 PM
  • DanielCostaDisclosure [PDF] Added 07/20/2022 at 02:04 PM
  • DanielCostaBio [PDF] Added 07/20/2022 at 02:04 PM

Ms. Teresa Romero Romero
President, United Farm Workers, Keene, California

Added 07/20/2022 at 11:58 AM
  • TeresaRomeroTestimony [PDF] Added 07/20/2022 at 12:21 PM
  • TeresaRomeroDisclosure [PDF] Added 07/20/2022 at 12:21 PM
  • TeresaRomeroBio [PDF] Added 07/20/2022 at 12:21 PM

Mr. Leon Sequeira
Attorney at Law

Added 07/20/2022 at 11:58 AM
  • LeonSequeiraTestimony [PDF] Added 07/20/2022 at 12:21 PM
  • LeonSequeiraDisclosure [PDF] Added 07/20/2022 at 12:21 PM

Mr. Ty Pinkins
Consumer Protection Attorney, Mississippi Center for Justice, Vicksburg, Mississippi

Added 07/20/2022 at 11:58 AM
  • TyinkinsTestimony [PDF] Added 07/20/2022 at 12:21 PM
  • TyPinkinsDisclosure [PDF] Added 07/20/2022 at 12:21 PM
  • TyPinkinsBio [PDF] Added 07/20/2022 at 12:21 PM

First Published: July 13, 2022 at 10:15 AM
Last Updated: July 25, 2022 at 02:05 PM