Markup of
16 Health Bills and 8 Communications and Technology Bills
Committee on Energy and Commerce
Wednesday, July 21, 2021 (10:00 AM)
2123 RHOB
Washington, D.C.
Text of Legislation
- H.R. 4369, the “National Centers of Excellence in Advanced and Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Act”
- H.R. 654, the “Drug-Free Communities Pandemic Relief Act"
- H.R. 2051, the “Methamphetamine Response Act of 2021"
- H.R. 2379, the “State Opioid Response Grant Authorization Act of 2021”
- H.R. 2364, the “Synthetic Opioid Danger Awareness Act”
- H.R. 2355, the “Opioid Prescription Verification Act of 2021”
- H.R. 4026, the “Social Determinants of Health Data Analysis Act of 2021”
- H.R. 3743, the “Supporting the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health and the Reagan-Udall Foundation for the Food and Drug Administration Act”
- H.R. 550, the “Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act”
- H.R. 1550, the “Promoting Resources to Expand Vaccination, Education and New Treatments for HPV Cancers Act of 2021” or the “PREVENT HPV Cancers Act of 2021”
- H.R. 951, the “Maternal Vaccination Act”
- H.R. 4387, the “Maternal Health Quality Improvement Act of 2021”
- H.R. 3742, the “Vaccine Information for Nursing Facility Operators Act” or the “Vaccine INFO Act”
- H.R. 2347, the “Strengthening the Vaccines for Children Act of 2021”
- H.R. 3894, the “Collecting and Analyzing Resources Integral and Necessary for Guidance for Social Determinants Act of 2021” or the “CARING for Social Determinants Act of 2021”
- H.R. 4406, the “Supporting Medicaid in the U.S. Territories Act”
- H.R. 2685, the “Understanding Cybersecurity of Mobile Networks Act”
- H.R. 3919, the “Secure Equipment Act of 2021”
- H.R. 4028, the “Information and Communication Technology Strategy Act
- H.R. 4032, the “Open RAN Outreach Act”
- H.R. 4045, the “Future Uses of Technology Upholding Reliable and Enhanced Networks Act” or the “FUTURE Networks Act”
- H.R. 4046, the “NTIA Policy and Cybersecurity Coordination Act”
- H.R. 4055, the “American Cybersecurity Literacy Act”
- H.R. 4067, the “Communications Security Advisory Act of 2021”
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (H2685_ANS), filed by Rep. Eshoo (D-CA) to H.R. 2685
07/20/2021 at 10:08 AM
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (H3919_ANS), filed by Rep. Scalise (R-LA) to H.R. 3919
07/20/2021 at 10:08 AM
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (H4028_ANS), filed by Rep. Long (R-MO) to H.R. 4028
07/20/2021 at 10:08 AM
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (H4032_ANS), filed by Rep. McNerney (D-CA) to H.R. 4032
07/20/2021 at 10:08 AM
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (H4045_ANS), filed by Rep. Kelly (D-IL) to H.R. 4045
07/20/2021 at 10:08 AM
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (SLW_1112), filed by Rep. Duncan (R-SC) to H.R. 4046
07/20/2021 at 10:08 AM
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (H4055_ANS), filed by Rep. Kinzinger (R-IL) to H.R. 4055
07/20/2021 at 10:08 AM
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (SLW_1113), filed by Rep. Schrader (D-OR) to H.R. 4067
07/20/2021 at 10:08 AM
- Amendment (H3894-FC-AMD_01), filed by Rep. Blunt Rochester (D-DE) to H.R. 3894
07/20/2021 at 11:58 AM
- Amendment (H2379-FCD-AMD_01), filed by Reps. Trahan (D-MA) and Armstrong (R-ND) to H.R. 2379
07/20/2021 at 04:30 PM
- Amendment (BURGES_064), filed by Reps. Burgess (R-TX) and Castor (D-FL) to H.R. 1550
07/20/2021 at 05:25 PM
- Amendment (H4406-FC-AMD_01), filed by Rep. Soto (D-FL) to H.R. 4406
07/20/2021 at 05:25 PM
- Amendment (H2347-FC-MNGR_01), filed by Reps. Schrier (D-WA) and Joyce (R-PA) to H.R. 2347
07/20/2021 at 05:40 PM
- Amendment (HUDSON_030) to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute, filed by Rep. Hudson (R-NC) to H.R. 4032
07/20/2021 at 05:40 PM
- Amendment (ESHOO_048) to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute, filed by Rep. Eshoo (D-CA) to H.R. 4055
07/20/2021 at 09:27 PM
- Amendment (H4369-FCD-AMD_01) filed by Reps. Pallone (D-NJ) and Guthrie (R-KY) to H.R. 4369
07/20/2021 at 09:56 PM
Support Documents
- Briefing Memo
07/19/2021 at 06:19 PM
- Markup Notice
07/19/2021 at 06:19 PM
- Document for the Record - A Letter from the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition
07/21/2021 at 05:00 PM
- Document for the Record - A Letter from the American Dental Association
07/21/2021 at 05:00 PM
- Document for the Record - A Letter from the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health
07/21/2021 at 05:00 PM
- Document for the Record - A Letter from the Florida Association of Community Health Centers
07/21/2021 at 05:00 PM
- Document for the Record - A Letter from March of Dimes
07/21/2021 at 05:00 PM
- Document for the Record - A Letter from the National Hispanic Medical Association
07/21/2021 at 05:00 PM
- Document for the Record - A Letter from the Oncology Nursing Society
07/21/2021 at 05:00 PM
- Document for the Record - A Letter from the Society of Gynecology Oncology
07/21/2021 at 05:00 PM
- Document for the Record - A Letter from the Executive President of the Puerto Rico Hospital Association
07/21/2021 at 05:00 PM
- Document for the Record - A Letter from the Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration
07/21/2021 at 05:00 PM
- Markup Action Sheet
07/21/2021 at 04:58 PM
Member Statements
- Opening Statement - Full Committee Chairman Pallone
07/21/2021 at 11:45 AM
- Opening Statement - Rep. Eshoo
07/21/2021 at 05:57 PM
- Opening Statement - Full Committee Ranking Member Rodgers
07/30/2021 at 05:03 PM
- Opening Statement - Rep. Guthrie
07/30/2021 at 05:03 PM
- Opening Statement - Rep. Pence
07/30/2021 at 05:03 PM
Hearing Record
- Attendance
07/21/2021 at 05:57 PM
- Unedited Transcript
07/28/2021 at 09:41 AM
First Published:
July 19, 2021 at 06:05 PM
Last Updated:
July 30, 2021 at 05:03 PM