Hearing: FY 2022 Budget Request for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation

Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies (Committee on Appropriations)

Monday, May 24, 2021 (2:00 PM)

Washington, D.C.


Mr. Jaime Pinkham
Acting Assistant Secretary, Army for Civil Works

Added 05/18/2021 at 10:19 AM
  • Mr. Pinkham Written Testimony [PDF] Added 05/21/2021 at 01:59 PM

Lieutenant General Scott A. Spellmon
Chief of Engineers and Commanding General, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Added 05/18/2021 at 10:19 AM
  • LTG Spellmon Written Testimony [PDF] Added 05/21/2021 at 01:59 PM
  • LTG Spellmon Visuals to Support Testimony [PDF] Added 05/24/2021 at 04:28 PM

Mr. David Palumbo
Deputy Commissioner of Operations, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Added 05/18/2021 at 10:19 AM
  • Mr. Palumbo Written Testimony [PDF] Added 05/21/2021 at 01:59 PM
  • Mr. Palumbo Visuals to Support Testimony [PDF] Added 05/21/2021 at 02:16 PM

Member Statements

  • Chairwoman Kaptur Opening Statement As Prepared [PDF] Added 05/24/2021 at 04:28 PM

First Published: May 12, 2021 at 02:53 PM
Last Updated: May 24, 2021 at 04:28 PM