Markup of 38 bills pending before the Committee

Committee on Energy and Commerce

Wednesday, September 9, 2020 (11:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

Washington, D.C.
This will be a virtual markup held on the Committee's Cisco Webex Platform. The markup session will be live streamed on the Committee's website at

Text of Legislation

  • 01. H.R. 1289, the "Preserving Home and Office Numbers in Emergencies Act of 2019" (Rep. Thompson of CA, et. al.) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 02. H.R. 3957, the “Expanding Broadcast Ownership Opportunities Act of 2019” (Reps. Butterfield of NC, Clarke of NY, Cárdenas of CA, Rush of IL, Veasey of TX, and Hastings of FL) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 03. H.R. 5564, the “Enhancing Broadcaster Diversity and Inclusion by Verifying and Ensuring the Reporting required by Statute Is Transpiring and Yielding Data Act” or the “Enhancing Broadcaster DIVERSITY Data Act” (Rep. Clarke of NY) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 04. H.R. 1379, the “Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act” (Rep. Peterson of MN) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 05. H.R. 945, the “Mental Health Access Improvement Act of 2019” (Reps. Thompson of CA and Katko of NY) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 06. H.R. 2564, the “Medicare Enrollment Protection Act” (Reps. Schrader of OR, Bilirakis of FL, Thompson of CA, and Buchanan of FL) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 07. H.R. 8158, A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to waive budget neutrality for oxygen under the Medicare program, and for other purposes. (Rep. Rodgers of WA) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 08. H.R. 2075, the “School-Based Health Centers Reauthorization Act of 2019” (Reps. Sarbanes of MD, Tonko of NY, Stefanik of NY, and Upton of MI) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 09. H.R. 4078, the “EARLY Act Reauthorization of 2019” (Reps. Wasserman Schultz of FL and Brooks of IN) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 10. H.R. 4764, the “Timely ReAuthorization of Necessary Stem-cell Programs Lends Access to Needed Therapies Act of 2019” or the “TRANSPLANT Act of 2019” (Reps. Matsui of CA, Bilirakis, and Pingree of ME) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 11. H.R. 5855, the "Bipartisan Solution to Cyclical Violence Act of 2020” (Reps. Ruppersberger of MD and Kinzinger of IL) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 12. H.R. 3131, the "South Asian Heart Health Awareness and Research Act of 2020” (Rep. Jayapal of WA) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 13. H.R. 7948, the “Tribal Health Data Improvement Act of 2020” (Reps. Gianforte of MT, Luján of NM, Rodgers of WA, Mullin of OK, O’Halleran of AZ, and Ruiz of CA) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 14. H.R. 5373, the “United States Anti-Doping Agency Reauthorization Act of 2019” (Reps. Thompson of CA, Johnson of OH, and DeGette of CO) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 15. H.R. 2281, the “Easy Medication Access and Treatment for Opioid Addiction Act” or the “Easy MAT for Opioid Addiction Act” (Rep. Ruiz of CA) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 16. H.R. 2466, the "State Opioid Response Grant Authorization Act” (Reps. Trone of MD, Armstrong of ND, Sherrill of NJ, and Riggleman of VA) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 17. H.R. 3878, the "Block, Report, And Suspend Shipments Act of 2019” (Reps. McKinley of WV and Dingell of MI) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 18. H.R. 4812, the “Ensuring Compliance Against Drug Diversion Act of 2019” (Rep. Griffith of VA) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 19. H.R. 4806, the “Debarment Enforcement of Bad Actor Registrants Act of 2019” or the “DEBAR Act of 2019” (Rep. Latta of OH) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 20. H.R. 3797, the “Medical Marijuana Research Act of 2019” (Reps. Blumenauer of OR, Harris of MD, Lofgren of CA, Griffith of VA, Bishop of UT, and Dingell of MI) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 21. H.R. 2519, the “Improving Mental Health Access from the Emergency Department Act of 2019” (Rep. Ruiz) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 22. H.R. 4861, the “Effective Suicide Screening and Assessment in the Emergency Department Act of 2019” (Reps. Bilirakis and Engel of NY) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 23. H.R. 1109, the “Mental Health Services for Students Act” (Reps. Napolitano of CA and Katko of NY) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 24. H.R. 3539, the “Behavioral Intervention Guidelines Act of 2019” (Reps. Ferguson of GA, Burgess of TX, Kennedy of MA, and Panetta of CA) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 25. H.R. 7293, the “Suicide Training and Awareness Nationally Delivered for Universal Prevention Act of 2020” or the “STANDUP Act of 2020” (Reps. Peters of CA, Bilirakis, Deutch of FL, and Fitzpatrick of PA) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 26. H.R. 5469, the “Pursuing Equity in Mental Health Act of 2019” (Reps. Watson Coleman of NJ, et. al.) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 27. H.R. 5572, the “Family Support Services for Addiction Act of 2020” (Reps. Trone of MD and Meuser of PA) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 28. H.R. 4499, the “NIMHD Research Endowment Revitalization Act of 2019” (Reps. Barragán of CA, Carter of GA, and Lewis of GA) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 29. H.R. 4439, the “Creating Hope Reauthorization Act” (Rep. Butterfield of NC, et. al.) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 30. H.R. 8134, the “Consumer Product Safety Inspection Enhancement Act” (Reps. Schakowsky of IL and Duncan of SC) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 31. H.R. 8128, the “AI for Consumer Product Safety Act” (Reps. McNerney of CA and Burgess of TX) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 32. H.R. 8132, the “American Competitiveness Of a More Productive Emerging Tech Economy Act” or the “American COMPETE Act” (Reps. McMorris Rodgers of WA, Rush of IL, Walden of OR, Soto of FL, Hudson of NC, Kelly of IL, Latta of OH, Burgess of TX, Upton of MI, Guthrie of KY, Bucshon of IN, Gianforte of MT, Griffith of VA, and Carter of GA) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 33. H.R. 2610, the “Stop Senior Scams Act” (Reps. Blunt Rochester of DE and Walberg of MI) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 34. H.R. 6435, the “Combating Pandemic Scams Act of 2020” (Reps. Carter of GA, Hudson of NC, Kuster of NH, and Blunt Rochester) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 35. H.R. 8121, the “COVID-19 Home Safety Act” (Reps. Cárdenas of CA and Rodney L. Davis of IL) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 36. H.R. 1754, the “Horseracing Integrity Act of 2019” (Reps. Tonko of NY and Barr of KY) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 37. H.R. 4447, the “Expanding Access to Sustainable Energy Act of 2019” (Reps. O’Halleran of AZ, Mullin of OK, Lamb of PA, and Norman of SC) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • 38. H.R. 8159, the “Department of Energy Organization and Management Improvement Act” (Reps. Waldon of OR and Pallone of NJ) [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM


  • 01. H.R. 1289: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H1289_ANS_FC_01) offered by Rep. Eshoo (D-CA) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 12:40 PM
  • 02. H.R. 3957: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H3957_ANS_FC_01) offered by Rep. Butterfield (D-NC) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 12:40 PM
  • 03. H.R. 5564: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H5564_ANS_FC_01) offered by Rep. Clarke (D-NY) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 12:40 PM
  • 04. H.R. 1379: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H1379-FC-AINS_01) offered by Rep. Pallone (D-NJ) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 12:40 PM
  • 05. H.R. 945: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H945-FC-ANS_02) offered by Rep. Griffith (R-VA) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 12:40 PM
  • 06. H.R. 2564: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H2564-FC_ANS_02) offered by Rep. Schrader (D-OR) and Rep. Bilirakis (R-FL) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 03:11 PM
  • 07. H.R. 3131: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H3131\FCAINS_01) offered by Rep. Schakowsky (D-IL) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 03:11 PM
  • 08. H.R. 7948: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H7948\FCAINS_01) offered by Rep. Mullin (R-OK) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 03:11 PM
  • 09. H.R. 5373: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H5373\AINS_01) offered by Rep. Johnson (R-OH) and Rep. DeGette (D-CO) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 03:11 PM
  • 10. H.R. 2281: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H2281\AINS_02) offered by Rep. Ruiz (D-CA) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 03:11 PM
  • 11. H.R. 2466: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H2466\FC\AINS_01) offered by Rep. Kuster (D-NH) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 03:11 PM
  • 12. H.R. 3797: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H3797\FCAINS_01) offered by Rep. Dingell (D-MI) and Rep. Griffith (R-VA) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 03:11 PM
  • 13. H.R. 1109: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H1109-AINS_02) offered by Rep. Tonko (D-NY) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 03:11 PM
  • 14. H.R. 7293: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H7293\FCAINS_01) offered by Rep. Peters (D-CA) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 03:11 PM
  • 15. H.R. 5469: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H5469\FC\AINS_01) offered by Rep. Cardenas (D-CA) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 05:54 PM
  • 16. H.R. 4439: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (H4439\FC\AINS_01) offered by Rep. Pallone (D-NJ) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 05:54 PM
  • 17. H.R. 8128: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (TECH_ANS_01) offered by Reps. McNerney (D-CA), Burgess (R-TX), and Guthrie (R-KY) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 05:54 PM
  • 18. H.R. 2610: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (SCAMS_ANS_01) offered by Reps. Blunt Rochester (D-DE), Walberg (R-MI), Hudson (R-NC), and Luján (D-NM) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 05:54 PM
  • 19. H.R. 8121: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (COVID_ANS_01) offered by Reps. Cárdenas (D-CA) and Castor (D-FL) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 05:54 PM
  • 20. H.R. 1754: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (TONKO_035) offered by Rep. Tonko (D-NY) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 05:54 PM
  • 21. H.R. 4447: Amendment_01 in the Nature of a Substitute (HR4447ANS_01) offered by Reps. O’Halleran (D-AZ) and Mullin (R-OK) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 05:54 PM
  • 22. H.R. 1379: Amendment_02 (H1379-ANS-FC-AMD_01) offered by Rep. Griffith (R-VA) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 07:06 PM
  • 23. H.R. 5572: Amendment_01 (H5572-FC-AMD_01) offered by Rep. Blunt Rochester (D-DE) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 07:06 PM
  • 24. H.R. 2519: Amendment_01 (H2519-FC-AMD_01) offered by Rep. Ruiz (D-CA) [PDF] Added 09/08/2020 at 07:06 PM
  • 25. H.R. 5564: Amendment_02 (INCUBATOR_02) offered by Rep. Walden (R-OR) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 10:51 AM
  • 26. H.R. 5564: Amendment_03 (EEO_01) offered by Rep. Walden (R-OR) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 10:51 AM
  • 27. H.R. 5564: Amendment_04 (ANONYMIZE_01) offered by Rep. Johnson (R-OH) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 10:51 AM
  • 28. H.R. 5564: Amendment_05 (SMALL_BUSINESS_01) offered by Rep. Walberg (R-MI) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 10:51 AM
  • 29. H.R. 945: Amendment_02 (H945-FC-AMD_01) filed by the Minority [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 10:51 AM
  • 30. H.R. 945: Amendment_03 (H945-FC-AMD_03) filed by the Minority [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 10:51 AM
  • 31. H.R. 3878: Amendment_01 (MCKINL_111) filed by Rep. McKinley (R-WV) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 10:51 AM
  • 32. H.R. 5564: Amendment_06 (PROCESS_01) offered by Rep. Walden (R-OR) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 11:25 AM
  • 33. H.R. 5564: Amendment_07 (FINDINGS_01) offered by Rep. Walden (R-OR) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 11:25 AM
  • 34. H.R. 5564: Amendment_08 (POLITICAL_AFFILIATION_01) offered by Rep. Walden (R-OR) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 11:25 AM
  • 35. H.R. 5564: Amendment_09 (DIGITAL_AD_01) offered by Rep. Walden (R-OR) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 11:25 AM
  • 36. H.R. 5564: Amendment_10 (MB-EB_01) offered by Rep. Walden (R-OR) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 11:25 AM
  • 37. H.R. 5564: Amendment_11 (TRIAL_LAWYERS) offered by Rep. Walden (R-OR) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 11:25 AM
  • 38. H.R. 3878: Amendment_02 (H3878-FC-AMD_01) filed by Rep. McKinley (R-WV) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 11:50 AM
  • 39. H.R. 4806: Amendment_01 (H4806-AMD_01) filed by Rep. Latta (R-OH) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 11:50 AM
  • 40. H.R. 3539: Amendment_01 (H3539-FC-AMD_01) filed by Rep. Burgess (R-TX) [PDF] Added 09/09/2020 at 11:50 AM

Support Documents

  • Notice of Markup [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • Briefing Memo [PDF] Added 09/07/2020 at 01:57 PM
  • FC Markup Action Sheet [PDF] Added 09/17/2020 at 07:13 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Pallone - Letter from Representative Thompson and Katko in support of H.R. 945 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Pallone - Letter from Representative Thompson, DeGette, and Johnson in support of H.R. 5373 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Pallone - Letter from the American College of Emergency Physicians in support of H.R. 3797 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Pallone - Letter from the American Dental Association in support of H.R. 1379 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Pallone - Letter from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in support of H.R. 1379 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Walden - Letter from the American College of Emergency Physicians in support of H.R. 4861 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Walden - Letter from the Animal Welfare Institute in support of H.R. 1754 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Walden - Letter from the Chamber of Commerce in support of H.R. 8132 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Walden - Letter from Nuro in support of H.R. 8132 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Walden - Letter from 55 national mental health and educational nonprofits in support for H.R. 7293 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Bilirakis - Letter from the American College of Emergency Physicians in support of H.R. 4861 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Bilirakis - Letter from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in support of H.R. 4861 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Bilirakis - Letter from the Emergency Nurses Association in support of H.R. 4861 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Bilirakis - Letter from the Mental Health Liaison Group in support of H.R. 4861 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Bilirakis - Statement from Rep. Bilirakis on the TRANSPLANT Act [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Barragan - Letter from Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in support of H.R. 4499 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. O'Halleran - Letter from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) in support of H.R. 4447 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Rodgers - Letter from the American Lung Association and others in support of H.R. 8158 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM
  • Document for the Record - Rep. Schakowsky - Letter from national health organizations in support of H.R. 884 [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 01:17 PM


  • 01. H.R. 5564: Amendment to the Clarke Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute, #1a (INCUBATOR_02), offered by Mr. Walden, was defeated by a record vote of 22 Yeas to 28 Nays (Roll call no. 57). [PDF] Added 09/14/2020 at 11:33 PM
  • 02. H.R. 5564: Amendment to the Clarke Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute, #1c (ANONYMIZE_01), offered by Mr. Johnson of Ohio, was defeated by a record vote of 22 Yeas to 29 Nays (Roll call no. 58). [PDF] Added 09/14/2020 at 11:33 PM
  • 03. H.R. 5564: Amendment to the Clarke Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute #1b (SMALL_BUSINESS_01), offered by Mr. Walberg of Michigan, was defeated by a record vote of 23 Yeas to 29 Nays (Roll call no. 59). [PDF] Added 09/14/2020 at 11:33 PM
  • 04. H.R. 1754: Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (AINS) #1 (TONKO_035), offered by Mr. Tonko of New York, was agreed to by a record vote of 46 Yeas to 5 Nays (Roll call no. 60). [PDF] Added 09/14/2020 at 11:33 PM
  • 05. H.R. 1754: Motion offered by Mr. Pallone of New Jersey that H.R. 1754 be ordered reported favorably to the House, amended (Final Passage), was agreed to by a record vote of 46 Yeas to 5 Nays (roll call no. 61). [PDF] Added 09/14/2020 at 11:33 PM

Member Statements

  • Opening Statement - Full Committee Chairman Pallone [PDF] Added 09/14/2020 at 11:33 PM
  • Opening Statement - Full Committee Ranking Member Walden [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Eshoo [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Rush [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Schakowsky [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Lujan [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Soto [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Dingell [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Burgess [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Rodgers [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Gianforte [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Upton [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Latta [PDF] Added 09/22/2020 at 12:09 PM

First Published: September 4, 2020 at 02:14 PM
Last Updated: November 17, 2020 at 10:02 AM