Joint Hearing: "Fostering a Healthier Internet to Protect Consumers"

Subcommittee on Communications and Technology (Committee on Energy and Commerce)
Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM)

2123 RHOB
Washington, D.C.
This is a joint hearing by the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology and the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce.


Mr. Steve Huffman
Co-Founder & CEO, Reddit, Inc.

Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Responses to Questions for the Record [PDF] Added 01/16/2020 at 04:17 PM
  • Witness Truth-in-Testimony [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM
  • Witness Bio [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM

Ms. Danielle Keats Citron
Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law

Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Responses to Questions for the Record [PDF] Added 01/16/2020 at 04:17 PM
  • Witness Truth-in-Testimony [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM
  • Witness Bio [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM

Dr. Corynne McSherry
Legal Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Responses to Questions for the Record [PDF] Added 01/16/2020 at 04:17 PM
  • Witness Truth-in-Testimony [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM
  • Witness Bio [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM

Dr. Hany Farid
Professor, University of California, Berkeley

Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Responses to Questions for the Record [PDF] Added 01/16/2020 at 04:17 PM
  • Witness Truth-in-Testimony [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM
  • Witness Bio [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM

Ms. Katherine Oyama
Global Head of Intellectual Property Policy, Google, Inc.

Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Responses to Questions for the Record [PDF] Added 01/16/2020 at 04:17 PM
  • Witness Truth-in-Testimony [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM
  • Witness Bio [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM

Ms. Gretchen S. Peters
Executive Director, Alliance to Counter Crime Online

Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM Updated 12/15/2021 at 01:01 PM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Responses to Questions for the Record [PDF] Added 01/16/2020 at 04:17 PM
  • Witness Truth-in-Testimony [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM
  • Witness Bio [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 01:26 PM Updated 12/15/2021 at 01:01 PM

Support Documents

  • Hearing Notice [PDF]
  • Briefing Memo [PDF] Added 10/15/2019 at 10:58 AM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from NetChoice (Introduced by Rep. McNerney) [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Blog Post from Electronic Frontier Foundation (Introduced by Rep. Bilirakis) [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from Creative Future [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from the American Hotel and Lodging Association [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from Consumer Technology Association [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from Travel Technology Association [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - White Paper from Airbnb [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from Common Sense Media [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from the Computer & Communications Industry Association [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from Rep. Ed Case of Hawaii [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter in support of the PLAN Act [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from i2 Coalition [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from Rep. Gianforte of Montana [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from TechFreedom [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from Internet Association [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from Wikimedia Foundation [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter from Motion Picture Association [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Article from the Verge [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Document for the Record - Statement from R Street [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM

Member Statements

  • Opening Statement - Full Committee Chairman Pallone [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Subcommittee Chairman Doyle [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Subcommittee Chair Schakowsky [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Full Committee Ranking Member Walden [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Subcommittee Ranking Member Latta [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Subcommittee Ranking Member Rodgers [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM
  • Opening Statement - Rep. Eshoo [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM

Hearing Record

  • Transcript-Unedited [PDF] Added 12/17/2019 at 01:09 PM

First Published: October 10, 2019 at 09:07 PM
Last Updated: December 15, 2021 at 01:01 PM