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Text of Bills for the Week of Jul. 11, 2016 First Published: July 7, 2016 at 03:00 PM Last Updated: July 13, 2016 at 11:54 AM


The following are links to the text of legislation scheduled for consideration during the week of Jul. 11, 2016. For the complete schedule, please visit the Majority Leader’s site.

Items that may be considered under suspension of the rules

H. Res. ___ Providing for Concurrence in the Senate Amendments to H.R. 636 with House Amendments [PDF]
H.R. 3178 Strengthening Transparency in Higher Education Act, as amended [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 3179 Empowering Students Through Enhanced Financial Counseling Act [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5528 Simplifying the Application for Student Aid Act [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5529 Accessing Higher Education Opportunities Act [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5530 HBCU Capital Financing Improvement Act [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H. Con. Res. 138 Designating the George C. Marshall Museum and George C. Marshall Research Library in Lexington, Virginia, as the National George C. Marshall Museum and Library [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5322 U.S. Territories Investor Protection Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5469 To require the Secretary of the Treasury to direct the United States Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund to support the capacity of the International Monetary Fund to prevent money laundering and financing of terrorism [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5594 National Strategy for Combating Terrorist, Underground, and Other Illicit Financing Act [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5602 To amend title 31, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to include all funds when issuing certain geographic targeting orders, and for other purposes [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5606 Anti-terrorism Information Sharing is Strength Act [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 4404 Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel Exercise Act of 2016, as amended [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5385 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Technical Correction Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5056 Airport Perimeter and Access Control Security Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 4785 DHS SAVE Act [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5252 To designate the United States Customs and Border Protection Port of Entry located at 1400 Lower Island Road in Tornillo, Texas, as the "Marcelino Serna Port of Entry" [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5588 Veterans’ Compensation COLA Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5658 TALENT Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5639 National Institute of Standards and Technology Improvement Act of 2016, as amended [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM Updated 07/11/2016 at 05:45 PM
Technical Correction
H.R. 5636 National Institute of Standards and Technology Campus Security Act [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5640 Electricity Storage Innovation Act, as amended [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5638 Solar Fuels Innovation Act, as amended [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5607 Enhancing Treasury’s Anti-Terror Tools Act, as amended [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 10:00 PM
H.R. 5421 National Securities Exchange Regulatory Parity Act of 2016, as amended [PDF]
Added 07/08/2016 at 05:30 PM

Items that may be considered pursuant to a rule

H.R. 4768 Separation of Powers Restoration Act of 2016 [PDF] [XML]
Added 07/08/2016 at 02:50 PM
:: H. Rept. 114-622—Report from the Committee on the Judiciary [PDF]
Added 07/08/2016 at 02:50 PM
H.R. 4992 United States Financial System Protection Act of 2016 [PDF] [XML]
Added 07/07/2016 at 05:29 PM
:: H. Rept. 114-682—Report to accompany H. Res. 819 [PDF]
Added 07/12/2016 at 09:37 AM
H.R. 5119 No 2 H2O from Iran Act [PDF] [XML]
Added 07/07/2016 at 05:29 PM
:: H. Rept. 114-682—Report to accompany H. Res. 819 [PDF]
Added 07/12/2016 at 09:37 AM
H.R. 5538 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017 [PDF] [XML]
Added 07/07/2016 at 05:29 PM
:: H. Rept. 114-632—Report from the Committee on Appropriations [PDF]
Added 07/07/2016 at 05:29 PM
:: H. Rept. 114-683—Report to accompany H. Res. 820 [PDF]
Added 07/13/2016 at 09:53 AM
H.R. 5631 To hold Iran accountable for its state sponsorship of terrorism and other threatening activities and for its human rights abuses, and for other purposes. [PDF] [XML]
Added 07/07/2016 at 05:29 PM Updated 07/13/2016 at 11:54 AM
Updated to GPO version
:: H. Rept. 114-682—Report to accompany H. Res. 819 [PDF]
Added 07/12/2016 at 09:37 AM
S. 304 Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act [Conscience Protection Act of 2016] (Rules Committee Print 114-61, showing the text of the Conscience Protection Act of 2016.) [PDF] [XML]
Added 07/08/2016 at 02:50 PM
:: H. Rept. 114-686—Report to accompany H. Res. 822 [PDF]
Added 07/13/2016 at 09:53 AM
Senate amendment to the House amendment to S. 764 An Act to reauthorize and amend the National Sea Grant College Program Act, and for other purposes. [GMO Labeling Requirements] [PDF] [XML]
Added 07/08/2016 at 02:50 PM
:: H. Rept. 114-686—Report to accompany H. Res. 822 [PDF]
Added 07/13/2016 at 09:53 AM

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