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Text of Bills for the Week of May 9, 2016 First Published: May 4, 2016 at 11:14 AM Last Updated: May 13, 2016 at 10:54 AM


The following are links to the text of legislation scheduled for consideration during the week of May 9, 2016. For the complete schedule, please visit the Majority Leader’s site.

Items that may be considered under suspension of the rules

S. 2755 Fallen Heroes Flag Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM Updated 05/09/2016 at 04:15 PM
Technical Correction
H.R. 4063 Jason Simcakoski PROMISE Act, as amended [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 4957 To designate the Federal building located at 99 New York Avenue, N.E., in the District of Columbia as the "Ariel Rios Federal Building" [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 4985 Kingpin Designation Improvement Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
S. 32 Transnational Drug Trafficking Act of 2015 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 5048 Good Samaritan Assessment Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 5052 OPEN Act, as amended [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM Updated 05/06/2016 at 07:20 PM
Technical Correction
S. 125 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 2137 Federal Law Enforcement Self-Defense and Protection Act of 2015 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 3209 Recovering Missing Children Act [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 4843 Infant Plan of Safe Care Improvement Act [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 4978 NAS Healthy Babies Act, as amended [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 3680 Co-Prescribing to Reduce Overdoses Act of 2016, as amended [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 3691 Improving Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 1818 Veteran Emergency Medical Technician Support Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 4969 John Thomas Decker Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 4586 Lali's Law [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 4599 Reducing Unused Medications Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 4976 Opioid Review Modernization Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
H.R. 4982 Examining Opioid Treatment Infrastructure Act of 2016 [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 06:00 PM
Possible Consideration of H.R. 4981 Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Expansion and Modernization Act, as amended [PDF]
Added 05/06/2016 at 07:00 PM

Items that may be considered pursuant to a rule

H.R. 4641 To provide for the establishment of an inter-agency task force to review, modify, and update best practices for pain management and prescribing pain medication, and for other purposes. [PDF] [XML]
:: H. Rept. 114-536—Report from the Committee on Energy and Commerce [PDF]
:: H. Rept. 114-551—Report to accompany H. Res. 720 [PDF]
Added 05/11/2016 at 04:06 PM
H.R. 5046 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Reduction Act of 2016 (Rules Committee Print 114-52, showing the text of the bill as ordered reported by the Committee on the Judiciary) [PDF] [XML]
:: H. Rept. 114-539—Report from the Committee on the Judiciary [PDF]
Added 05/11/2016 at 04:06 PM
:: H. Rept. 114-551—Report to accompany H. Res. 720 [PDF]
Added 05/11/2016 at 04:06 PM
S. 524 Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 [PDF] [XML]
Added 05/13/2016 at 10:54 AM
:: H. Rept. 114-564—Report to accompany H. Res. 725 [PDF]
Added 05/13/2016 at 10:54 AM

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