Text of Bills for the Week of
Jul. 27, 2020
First Published:
July 20, 2020 at 04:30 PM
Last Updated:
July 29, 2020 at 09:12 AM
The following are links to the text of legislation scheduled for consideration during the week of Jul. 27, 2020.
For the complete schedule, please visit the Majority Leader’s site.
Items that may be considered under suspension of the rules
H.R. 7575 |
Water Resources Development Act of 2020, as amended |
07/24/2020 at 02:16 PM
07/28/2020 at 02:51 PM Technical Correction
S. 2163 |
Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys Act |
07/24/2020 at 02:16 PM
H.R. 2420 |
National Museum of the American Latino Act, as amended |
07/24/2020 at 02:16 PM
H.R. 4686 |
Sami’s Law, as amended |
07/24/2020 at 03:28 PM
07/28/2020 at 02:51 PM Technical Correction
Items that may be considered pursuant to a rule
H.R. 7617 |
Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2021 [Defense, Commerce, Justice, Science, Energy and Water Development, Financial Services and General Government, Homeland Security, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2021] |
:: Rules Committee Print 116-60—Showing the text of H.R. 7617, H.R. 7667, H.R. 7613, H.R. 7668, H.R. 7669, H.R. 7614, and H.R. 7616, as reported by the Committee on Appropriations, with modifications. |
:: H. Rept. 116-453—Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 7617 |
07/23/2020 at 09:01 AM
:: H. Rept. 116-455—Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 7667 |
07/23/2020 at 09:01 AM
:: H. Rept. 116-449—Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 7613 |
07/23/2020 at 09:01 AM
:: H. Rept. 116-456—Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 7668 |
07/23/2020 at 09:01 AM
:: H. Rept. 116-458—Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 7669 |
07/23/2020 at 09:01 AM
:: H. Rept. 116-450—Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 7614 |
07/23/2020 at 09:01 AM
:: H. Rept. 116-452—Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 7616 |
07/23/2020 at 09:01 AM
:: H. Rept. 116-461—Report to accompany H. Res. 1067 |
07/29/2020 at 09:12 AM