Meeting: Markup of H.R. 7906 and H.R. 9076

Committee on Ways and Means

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 (9:00 AM)

1100 LHOB
Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 7906 [PDF]
  • H.R. 9076 [PDF]


  • AINS to H.R. 7906 [PDF] Added 07/23/2024 at 09:00 AM
  • AINS to H.R. 9076 [PDF] Added 07/23/2024 at 09:00 AM

Support Documents

  • JCT Description of H.R. 7906 [PDF] Added 07/23/2024 at 09:00 AM
  • JCT Description of the AINS to H.R. 7906 (Green Sheet) [PDF] Added 07/23/2024 at 09:00 AM
  • Ways and Means Description of the AINS to H.R. 9076 (Green Sheet) [PDF] Added 07/23/2024 at 09:00 AM


  • H.R. 7906 Result [PDF] Added 07/24/2024 at 11:34 AM
  • H.R. 9076 Result [PDF] Added 07/24/2024 at 11:34 AM

First Published: July 22, 2024 at 04:36 PM
Last Updated: July 24, 2024 at 11:34 AM