Markup of Various Measures

Committee on Foreign Affairs

Thursday, May 16, 2024 (10:00 AM)

2172 RHOB
Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 8315, To amend the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 to prevent foreign adversaries from exploiting United States artificial intelligence and other enabling technologies, and for other purposes. [PDF] Added 05/09/2024 at 03:55 PM
  • H.R. 8361, To impose sanctions with respect to economic or industrial espionage by foreign adversarial companies, and for other purposes. [PDF] Added 05/09/2024 at 03:55 PM
  • H.R. 8152, To amend the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 to provide for control of remote access of items, and for other purposes. [PDF] Added 05/09/2024 at 03:55 PM
  • H.R. 3012, To reauthorize the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004, and for other purposes. [PDF] Added 05/09/2024 at 03:55 PM
  • H.R. 8001, To impose sanctions on the Houthis for attacks on international shipping, and for other purposes [PDF] Added 05/09/2024 at 03:55 PM
  • H.R. 8046, To impose sanctions with respect to Rosatom, and for other purposes. [PDF] Added 05/09/2024 at 03:55 PM
  • H.R. 3246, To authorize the imposition of sanctions with respect to any foreign person endangering the integrity or safety of the Zaporzhzhia nuclear power plant. [PDF] Added 05/09/2024 at 03:55 PM
  • H.R. 681, To reauthorize the READ Act. [PDF] Added 05/09/2024 at 03:55 PM
  • H.R. 8310, To require strategies on United States policy towards the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and for other purposes. [PDF] Added 05/09/2024 at 03:55 PM
  • H.R. 7586, To establish a Department of State Domestic Protection Mission relating to unmanned aircraft system and unmanned aircraft. [PDF] Added 05/09/2024 at 03:55 PM
  • H.R. 8368, To establish a Coordinator for Afghan Relocation Efforts in the Department of State, and for other purposes. [PDF] Added 05/09/2024 at 03:55 PM
  • H.Res. 1056, Recognizing the importance of trilateral cooperation among the United States, Japan, and South Korea. [PDF] Added 05/10/2024 at 03:24 PM
  • H.Res. 1063, Reaffirming the United States full and unwavering commitment to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in its 75th anniversary year and its goals of achieving collective security through transatlantic partnerships. [PDF] Added 05/10/2024 at 03:24 PM
  • H.R. 8362, To direct the Secretary of State to host regular U.S.-Africa Leaders Summits, and for other purposes [PDF] Added 05/10/2024 at 03:24 PM
  • H.R. 8234, To authorize the Secretary of State to designate additional persons eligible to serve as passport acceptance agents, and for other purposes. [PDF] Added 05/10/2024 at 03:24 PM
  • H.R. 8234 ANS, To authorize the Secretary of State to designate additional persons eligible to serve as passport acceptance agents, and for other purposes. [PDF] Added 05/14/2024 at 03:13 PM
  • H.R. 8310 ANS, To require strategies on United States policy towards the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and for other purposes. [PDF] Added 05/14/2024 at 03:13 PM
  • H.R. 3012 ANS, To reauthorize the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004, and for other purposes. [PDF] Added 05/14/2024 at 03:13 PM
  • Perry #475 Amendent to H.R. 8368 [PDF] Added 05/16/2024 at 09:05 PM


  • Wilson #88 Amendent in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 8046 [PDF] Added 05/15/2024 at 04:31 PM
  • Meeks #75 Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 3246 [PDF] Added 05/15/2024 at 05:45 PM
  • Perry #472 Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 8310 [PDF] Added 05/15/2024 at 05:45 PM
  • Perry #474 Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 3012 [PDF] Added 05/15/2024 at 05:45 PM
  • Perry #475 Amendment to H.Res. 8368 [PDF] Added 05/16/2024 at 12:21 PM
  • Huizenga Amendment to H.Res. 1063 [PDF] Added 05/16/2024 at 09:11 PM
  • Keating Second Degree Amendment to the Huizenga Amendment to H.Res. 1063 [PDF] Added 05/16/2024 at 09:11 PM

Support Documents

  • Markup Notice [PDF]
  • Markup Summary [PDF] Added 05/20/2024 at 12:19 PM


  • Measures En Bloc as amended, if amended [PDF] Added 05/16/2024 at 09:05 PM

Hearing Record

  • Member Attendance [PDF] Added 05/16/2024 at 09:05 PM

First Published: May 9, 2024 at 03:39 PM
Last Updated: May 20, 2024 at 12:19 PM