Hearing: Meritocracy in the Military Services: Accession, Promotion, and Command Selection

Subcommittee on Military Personnel (Committee on Armed Services)

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 (1:00 PM)

2212 RHOB
Washington, D.C.


Panel one

Mr. Peter Levine
Senior Fellow, Institute for Defense Analyses

  • Levine Testimony [PDF]
  • Levine Financial Disclosure Statement [PDF]
  • Levine Bio [PDF]

Mr. Robert Greenway
Director of Center for National Defense, The Heritage Foundation

  • Greenway Testimony [PDF]
  • Greenway Financial Disclosure Statement [PDF]
  • Greenway Bio [PDF]

Mr. William Thibeau
Director of American Military Project at the Center for the American Way of Life, The Claremont Institute

  • Thibeau Testimony [PDF]
  • Thibeau Financial Disclosure Statement [PDF]
  • Thibeau Bio [PDF]

Panel two

Lieutenant General Douglas Stitt
Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, Department of the Army

  • Stitt Testimony [PDF]
  • Stitt Bio [PDF]

Vice Admiral Richard Cheeseman Jr.
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Personnel, Department of the Navy

  • Cheeseman Testimony [PDF]
  • Cheeseman Bio [PDF]

Dr. Michael Strobl
Assistant Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, United States Marine Corps

  • Strobl Testimony [PDF]
  • Strobl Bio [PDF]

Lieutenant General Caroline M. Miller
Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services, Department of the Air Force

  • Miller Testimony [PDF]
  • Miller Bio [PDF]

Ms. Katharine Kelley
Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Human Capital, United States Space Force

  • Kelley Testimony [PDF]
  • Kelley Bio [PDF]

First Published: September 21, 2023 at 08:09 AM