Markup of H.R. 562, Improving Veterans Access to Congressional Services Act of 2023; H.R. 1089, VA Medical Center Facility Transparency Act; H.R. 366, Korean American VALOR Act; H.R. 1256, Veterans Health Administration Leadership Transformation Act; H.R. 1669, the VET-TEC Authorization Act; H.R. 1529, Veterans' Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act; and H.R. 1530, Veterans Benefits Improvement Act

Committee on Veterans' Affairs

Friday, April 28, 2023 (10:00 AM)

Meeting was rescheduled to the time and date listed above.
390 CHOB
Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 366, Korean American VALOR Act (Rep. Takano) [PDF] Added 04/26/2023 at 10:09 AM
  • H.R. 562, Improving Veterans Access to Congressional Services Act of 2023 (Rep. Mast) [PDF] Added 04/26/2023 at 10:09 AM
  • H.R. 1256, Veterans Health Administration Leadership Transformation Act (Rep. Mrvan) [PDF] Added 04/26/2023 at 10:09 AM
  • H.R. 1529, Veterans' Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act (Rep. Luttrell) [PDF] Added 04/26/2023 at 10:09 AM
  • H.R. 1089, VA Medical Center Facility Transparency Act (Rep. Lesko) [PDF] Added 04/26/2023 at 03:29 PM
  • H.R. 1530, Veterans Benefits Improvement Act (Rep. Luttrell) [PDF] Added 04/26/2023 at 03:29 PM
  • H.R. 1669, VET-TEC Authorization Act (Rep. Ciscomani) [PDF] Added 04/26/2023 at 03:29 PM


  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1089, Offered by Rep. Miller-Meeks [PDF] Added 04/26/2023 at 10:09 AM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1669, Offered by Rep. Bost [PDF] Added 04/26/2023 at 10:09 AM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1530, Offered by Rep. Bost [PDF] Added 04/26/2023 at 10:09 AM
  • Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1669, Offered by Rep. Takano [PDF] Added 04/27/2023 at 10:01 AM
  • Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1530, Offered by Rep. McGarvey [PDF] Added 04/27/2023 at 12:50 PM

Support Documents

  • Markup Notice [PDF]
  • Markup Agenda [PDF] Added 04/27/2023 at 10:01 AM

First Published: April 19, 2023 at 10:47 AM
Last Updated: April 27, 2023 at 03:03 PM