Hearing: Fiscal Year 2024 Department of Health and Human Services Budget

Subcommittee on Health (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 (10:00 AM)

2123 RHOB
Washington, D.C.


The Honorable Xavier Becerra

  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 03/27/2023 at 04:48 PM
  • Questions for the Record Sent to Witness (No Response) [PDF] Added 12/21/2023 at 12:17 PM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 03/27/2023 at 04:55 PM

Support Documents

  • Hearing Notice [PDF]
  • Public Memo [PDF]
  • Documents for the Record [PDF] Added 05/02/2023 at 11:24 AM

Member Statements

  • The Honorable Michael C. Burgess [PDF] Added 04/03/2023 at 11:21 AM
  • The Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers [PDF] Added 04/03/2023 at 11:21 AM
  • The Honorable Brett Guthrie [PDF] Added 04/03/2023 at 11:21 AM
  • The Honorable Anna G. Eshoo [PDF] Added 04/03/2023 at 11:21 AM
  • The Honorable Frank Pallone [PDF] Added 04/03/2023 at 11:21 AM

Hearing Record

  • Unedited Transcript [PDF] Added 08/02/2023 at 01:07 PM

First Published: March 27, 2023 at 11:46 AM
Last Updated: December 21, 2023 at 12:17 PM