Hearing: Follow the Money: Oversight of President Biden's Massive Spending Spree

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 (2:00 PM)

2123 RHOB
Washington, D.C.


The Honorable Teri L. Donaldson
Inspector General, 1000 Independence Ave. SW Washington D.C. 20585, on behalf of Department of Energy

Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 08/23/2023 at 12:27 PM
  • Additional Questions for the Record Response [PDF] Added 08/23/2023 at 12:27 PM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM

Mr. Mark Gaffigan
Managing Director, 441 G. Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20548, on behalf of Government Accountability Office

Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 08/23/2023 at 12:27 PM
  • Additional Questions for the Record Response [PDF] Added 08/23/2023 at 12:27 PM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 08/23/2023 at 12:27 PM

The Honorable Peggy E. Gustafson
Inspector General, Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Ave NW, Washington D.C. 20230, on behalf of Office of the Inspector General

Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM
  • Additional Questions for the Record Response [PDF] Added 08/23/2023 at 12:27 PM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM

Sean O'Donnell
Inspector General, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW (2133A) Washington, D.C. 20460, on behalf of Office of the Inspector General

Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM
  • Additional Questions for the Record Response [PDF] Added 08/23/2023 at 12:27 PM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 03/27/2023 at 04:07 PM

Support Documents

  • Hearing Notice [PDF] Added 06/12/2023 at 01:03 PM
  • Hearing Memo [PDF] Added 06/12/2023 at 01:03 PM

Member Statements

  • Kathy Castor Opening Statement [PDF] Added 03/30/2023 at 10:39 AM
  • Diana Degette Opening Statement [PDF] Added 03/30/2023 at 10:39 AM
  • Cathy McMorris Rodgers Opening Statement [PDF] Added 03/30/2023 at 10:39 AM
  • H. Morgan Griffith Opening Statement [PDF] Added 03/30/2023 at 10:39 AM

Hearing Record

  • Unedited Hearing Transcript [PDF] Added 04/26/2023 at 04:16 PM

First Published: March 16, 2023 at 09:54 AM
Last Updated: January 25, 2024 at 10:57 AM