Hearing: Energy, Installations, and Environment Program Update

Subcommittee on Readiness (Committee on Armed Services)

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 (2:30 PM)

2212 RHOB
Washington, D.C.


The Honorable Meredith Berger
Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Energy, Installations, and Environment

  • Witness Statement [PDF]
  • Witness Biography [PDF]

The Honorable Rachel Jacobson
Assistant Secretary of the Army, Installations, Energy and Environment

  • Witness Statement [PDF]
  • Witness Biography [PDF]

Mr. Edwin Oshiba
Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Energy, Installations and Environment

  • Witness Statement [PDF]
  • Witness Biography [PDF]

The Honorable Brendan Owens
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment

  • Witness Statement [PDF]
  • Witness Biography [PDF]

First Published: February 28, 2023 at 12:18 PM