Hearing: The Biden Border Crisis: Part I

Committee on the Judiciary

Wednesday, February 1, 2023 (10:00 AM)

2141 RHOB
Washington, D.C.


Mr. Brandon Dunn
Co-Founder, Forever15Project

Added 02/01/2023 at 11:16 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 11:16 AM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 11:16 AM

The Honorable Mark Dannels
Sheriff, Cochise County, AZ

Added 02/01/2023 at 11:16 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 11:16 AM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 11:16 AM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 11:16 AM

The Honorable Ricardo Samaniego
County Judge, El Paso, TX

Added 02/01/2023 at 11:16 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 11:16 AM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 11:16 AM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 11:16 AM

Support Documents

  • An Article for the Record titled, "El Paso Forced to Bus Immigrants out of Town Amid Mass Migration," submitted by Mr. Biggs [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 04:57 PM
  • An Article for the Record titled, "El Paso Joins Gov. Abbott in Busing Migrants to New York City," submitted by Mr. Biggs [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 04:57 PM
  • An Article for the Record titled, "El Paso Looks Like a 'Third-World Country' After Texas Border City is Overrun by Migrants," submitted by Mr. Biggs [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 04:57 PM
  • An article for the Record titled, "Rhode Island High School Staff Solicits 'Donations' to Pay Cartel 'Coyote' who Brought Students to US," submitted by Mr. Buck [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 04:57 PM
  • An Article for the Record titled, "Over 73,000 'Gotaways' at Southern Border in November, Highest Ever Recorded," submitted by Mr. Buck [PDF] Added 02/01/2023 at 04:57 PM
  • A Written Statement of Southern Border Communities Coalition, submitted by Ms. Jayapal [PDF] Added 02/02/2023 at 11:08 AM
  • Statement of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, submitted by Ms. Jayapal [PDF] Added 02/02/2023 at 11:08 AM
  • A letter from the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild, submitted by Ms. Jayapal [PDF] Added 02/02/2023 at 11:08 AM
  • Statement for the Record from the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, submitted by Ms. Jayapal [PDF] Added 02/02/2023 at 11:08 AM
  • A Statement for the Record from Church World Service, submitted by Ms. Jayapal [PDF] Added 02/02/2023 at 11:08 AM
  • Statement for the Record from First Focus Campaign for Children, submitted by Ms. Jayapal [PDF] Added 02/02/2023 at 11:08 AM
  • Statement for the Record of Human Rights First, submitted by Ms. Jayapal [PDF] Added 02/02/2023 at 11:08 AM
  • Statement for the Record by Kids in Need of Defense, submitted by Ms. Jayapal [PDF] Added 02/02/2023 at 11:08 AM
  • Statement for the Record from National Immigration Law Center, submitted by Ms. Jayapal [PDF] Added 02/02/2023 at 11:08 AM
  • Letter for the Record from the Project on Government Oversight, submitted by Ms. Jayapal [PDF] Added 02/02/2023 at 11:08 AM
  • Letter for the Record from U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration, submitted by Ms. Escobar on behalf of Rep. Ivey [PDF] Added 02/02/2023 at 11:08 AM
  • Statement for the record submitted by Ms. Jackson Lee [PDF] Added 02/09/2023 at 09:22 AM
  • An Article for the Record titled, "Fentanyl Is Smuggled for U.S. Citizens By U.S. Citizens, Not Asylum Seekers" submitted by Mr. Lieu [PDF] Added 03/02/2023 at 02:53 PM

Hearing Record

  • Biden Border Crisis Part 1 Final Print [PDF] Added 03/28/2023 at 11:17 AM

First Published: January 25, 2023 at 09:33 AM
Last Updated: March 28, 2023 at 11:17 AM