Meeting: H.R. 1808–Assault Weapons Ban of 2022; H.R. 2814–Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act of 2022; H.R. 1368–Mental Health Justice Act of 2021; H.R. 4118–Break the Cycle of Violence Act; H.R. 5768–VICTIM Act of 2022; H.R. 6375–COPS on the Beat Grant Program Reauthorization and Parity Act of 2022; H.R. 6448–Invest to Protect Act of 2022

Committee on Rules

Wednesday, July 27, 2022 (1:00 PM)

Continuation on Friday, July 29, 2022 (12:00 PM)

Meeting was rescheduled to the time and date listed above.
Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 1808 [PDF] [XML] Added 07/29/2022 at 03:04 PM
  • :: Rules Committee Print 117-60—Showing the text of H.R. 1808, as ordered reported by the Committee on the Judiciary. [PDF] [XML] Added 07/29/2022 at 03:04 PM
  • :: H. Rept. 117–442—Report from the Committee on the Judiciary to accompany H.R. 1808. [PDF] Added 07/29/2022 at 03:04 PM

Support Documents

  • H. Rept. 117-448 [PDF] Added 07/29/2022 at 03:04 PM
  • H. Res. 1302 [PDF] Added 07/29/2022 at 03:04 PM

First Published: July 25, 2022 at 12:45 PM
Last Updated: July 29, 2022 at 03:04 PM