Markup of
“H.R. 4252, To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890’s institutions; H.R. 2361, Rebuild Rural America Act of 2021; H.R. 5608, Chronic Wasting Disease Research and Management Act; H.R. 3532, To require the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out a periodic wildfire assessment, and for other purposes; H.R. 4489, National Forest Restoration and Remediation Act; H.R. 5609, Cattle Contract Library Act of 2021; and H.R. 5589, Pyrolysis Innovation Grants Act”
Committee on Agriculture
Thursday, October 21, 2021 (10:00 AM)
1300 LHOB
Washington, D.C.
This will be a hybrid business meeting conducted via the Zoom platform
Text of Legislation
- H.R. 4252, “To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890’s institutions” - as amended, reported favorably, by a vote of 45 yeas and 3 nays. RCV 001.
10/19/2021 at 08:16 PM
- H.R. 2361, “Rebuild Rural America Act of 2021” - not offered
10/19/2021 at 08:16 PM
- H.R. 5608, “Chronic Wasting Disease Research and Management Act” - reported favorably by voice vote
10/19/2021 at 08:16 PM
- H.R. 3532, “To Require the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out a periodic wildfire assessment, and for other purposes” - withdrawn
10/19/2021 at 08:16 PM
- H.R. 4489, “National Forest Restoration and Remediation Act” - reported favorably by voice vote
10/19/2021 at 08:16 PM
- H.R. 5609, “Cattle Contract Library Act of 2021” - reported favorably by voice vote
10/19/2021 at 08:16 PM
- H.R. 5589, “Pyrolysis Innovation Grants Act” - as amended, reported favorably by voice vote
10/19/2021 at 08:16 PM
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to HR 5589- Agreed to by voice
10/20/2021 at 09:56 AM
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to HR 4252- Agreed to by voice
10/20/2021 at 04:19 PM
- Amendment #1 to HR 2361 offered by Mr. Sablan of the Northern Mariana Islands
10/20/2021 at 05:02 PM
Support Documents
- Markup Agenda
10/19/2021 at 06:20 PM
- VOTE #1
10/21/2021 at 11:42 AM
First Published:
October 19, 2021 at 06:13 PM
Last Updated:
November 10, 2021 at 02:59 PM