Hearing: Future Force Structure Requirements for the United States Navy

Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces (Committee on Armed Services)

Thursday, June 4, 2020 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM)

2118 RHOB
Washington, D.C.
Members have the option of participating in this hearing remotely via Cisco Webex. Public access to the hearing is available via the Committee's website.


Admiral Gary Roughead (Ret.)
Admiral, USN, (Ret.)

  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 06/04/2020 at 01:20 PM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 06/04/2020 at 01:20 PM
  • Witness Biography [PDF]

Mr. Bryan Clark
Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 06/04/2020 at 01:20 PM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 06/04/2020 at 01:20 PM
  • Witness Biography [PDF]

Mr. Ronald O'Rourke
Naval Affairs Analyst, Congressional Research Service

Added 06/04/2020 at 01:20 PM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 06/04/2020 at 01:20 PM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 06/04/2020 at 01:20 PM

First Published: May 29, 2020 at 12:42 PM
Last Updated: June 4, 2020 at 01:20 PM