Meeting: Senate Amendment to H.R. 2486 – FUTURE Act [NO BAN Act; Access to Counsel Act of 2020]; S.J. Res. 68 —To direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities against the Islamic Republic of Iran that have not been authorized by Congress.; H.R. 6172—USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020

Committee on Rules

Monday, March 9, 2020 (5:00 PM)

Continuation on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 (2:00 PM)

Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • S.J. Res. 68 [PDF] [XML]
  • Senate Amendment to H.R. 2486 [PDF] [XML]
  • :: Rules Committee Print 116-52—Showing the text of H.R. 2214, NO BAN Act, as reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, with modifications. [PDF] [XML]
  • :: Rules Committee Print 116-53—Showing the text of H.R. 5581, Access to Counsel Act of 2020, as reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, with modifications. [PDF] [XML]
  • :: Comparative Print—Comparing the base document H.R. 2214 as reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, with the Rules Committee Print 116-52. [PDF] Added 03/06/2020 at 09:02 AM
  • :: Comparative Print—Comparing the base document H.R. 5581 as reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, with the Rules Committee Print 116-53. [PDF] Added 03/06/2020 at 09:02 AM
  • H.R. 6172 [PDF] [XML] Added 03/10/2020 at 04:46 PM
  • H. Res. 891 [PDF] Added 03/11/2020 at 08:54 AM
  • H. Rept. 116-415—Report to accompany H. Res. 891 [PDF] Added 03/11/2020 at 08:54 AM

First Published: March 5, 2020 at 04:47 PM
Last Updated: March 11, 2020 at 08:54 AM