Markup of H.R. ___, the “USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020”; H.R. 2733, the “Savanna’s Act”; H.R. 2438, the “Not Invisible Act of 2019”; and H.R. ___, the “Strengthening the Opposition to Female Genital Mutilation Act’’ or the ‘‘STOP FGM Act’’.

Committee on the Judiciary

Wednesday, February 26, 2020 (2:30 PM)

Meeting has been postponed. Meeting will be rescheduled for a later date.
2141 RHOB
Washington, D.C. 20515-515

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 2733, the “Savanna’s Act” [PDF] Added 02/24/2020 at 02:26 PM
  • H.R. 2438, the “Not Invisible Act of 2019” [PDF] Added 02/24/2020 at 02:26 PM


  • H.R. 2733 Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler [PDF] Added 02/24/2020 at 02:26 PM
  • H.R. 2438 Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler [PDF] Added 02/24/2020 at 02:26 PM

Support Documents

  • H.R. ___, the “USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020” [PDF] Added 02/24/2020 at 02:26 PM
  • H.R. ___, the “Strengthening the Opposition to Female Genital Mutilation Act’’ or the ‘‘STOP FGM Act’’ [PDF] Added 02/24/2020 at 02:26 PM

First Published: February 21, 2020 at 12:34 PM
Last Updated: February 26, 2020 at 02:03 PM