Markup of H.R. 4920, and A.N.S. to H.R. 3495

Committee on Veterans' Affairs

Thursday, December 5, 2019 (2:00 PM)

Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 4920, Department of Veterans Affairs Contracting Preference Consistency Act [PDF] Added 12/03/2019 at 01:56 PM
  • H.R. 3495, Improve Well-Being for Veterans Act [PDF] Added 12/03/2019 at 01:56 PM


  • A.N.S to H.R. 3495, Offered by Rep. Takano [PDF] Added 12/03/2019 at 01:58 PM
  • Amendment to the A.N.S. to H.R. 3495, Offered by Rep. Sablan [PDF] Added 12/04/2019 at 02:47 PM
  • Rep. Roe Amendment #1 to the A.N.S. to H.R. 3495 [PDF] Added 12/04/2019 at 02:47 PM
  • Rep. Roe Amendment #2 to the A.N.S. to H.R. 3495 [PDF] Added 12/04/2019 at 02:47 PM
  • Rep. Roe Amendment #3 to the A.N.S. to H.R. 3495 [PDF] Added 12/04/2019 at 02:47 PM
  • Rep. Roe Amendment #4 to the A.N.S. to H.R. 3495 [PDF] Added 12/04/2019 at 02:47 PM
  • Rep. Roy Amendment to the A.N.S. to H.R. 3495, (Withdrawn) [PDF] Added 12/04/2019 at 02:47 PM
  • Rep.Barr Amendment to the A.N.S. to H.R. 3495 [PDF] Added 12/04/2019 at 02:47 PM

Support Documents

  • Agenda [PDF] Added 12/03/2019 at 01:59 PM
  • Letter for the Record, AFGE (#1) [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 05:31 PM
  • Letter for the Record, AFGE (#2) [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 05:31 PM
  • Letter for the Record, Combined Arms- America's Warrior Partnership- Institute for Veterans and Military Families [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 05:31 PM
  • Letter for the Reord, America's Warriors Partnership [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 05:31 PM
  • Letter for the Record, Secretary Robert Wilkie, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 05:31 PM
  • Letter for the Record, VSO Letter [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 05:31 PM


  • H.R. 3495- Vote on Roe Amendment (#4) to the A.N.S [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 12:20 PM
  • H.R. 3495- Vote on Roe Amendment (#2) to the A.N.S [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 12:20 PM
  • H.R. 3495- Vote on Roe Amendment (#3) to the A.N.S [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 12:20 PM
  • H.R. 3495- Vote on Roe Amendment (#1) to the A.N.S [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 12:20 PM
  • H.R. 3495- Vote on Barr Amendment to the A.N.S [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 12:20 PM
  • H.R. 3495 - Vote on the A.N.S., as amended [PDF] Added 12/06/2019 at 12:20 PM

First Published: December 2, 2019 at 05:45 PM
Last Updated: December 6, 2019 at 05:31 PM