Markup of Six Bills to Protect Consumers from Dangerous Products

Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

Wednesday, July 10, 2019 (10:00 AM - 10:55 AM)

2123 RHOB
Washington, D.C.
All bills were favorably forwarded to the full Committee by a voice vote. All bills were amended except for H.R. 2647. See Summary of Subcommittee Action document for more information.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 2211, the "Stop Tip-over of Unstable, Risky Dressers on Youth Act" or the "STURDY Act" [PDF]
  • H.R. 3172, the "Safe Sleep Act of 2019" [PDF]
  • H.R. 3170, the "Safe Cribs Act of 2019" [PDF]
  • H.R. 1618, the "Nicholas and Zachary Burt Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act of 2019" [PDF]
  • H.R. 806, the "Portable Fuel Container Safety Act of 2019" [PDF]
  • H.R. 2647, the "Safer Occupancy Furniture Flammability Act" or "SOFFA" [PDF]


  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2211 offered by Reps. Schakowksy and Rodgers (SLW_0026) was adopted by a voice vote. [PDF] Added 07/09/2019 at 12:37 PM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1618 offered by Reps. Schakowsky, Kelly of Illinois, and Rush (SLW_0029) was adopted by a voice vote. [PDF] Added 07/09/2019 at 12:37 PM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 806 offered by Rep. Latta (SLW_0027) was adopted by a voice vote. [PDF] Added 07/09/2019 at 12:37 PM
  • Amendment to H.R. 3172 offered by Rep. Pallone (D-NJ) on behalf of Rep. Cardenas (D-CA), was adopted by a voice vote. [PDF] Added 07/10/2019 at 08:11 AM
  • Amendment to H.R. 3170 offered by Rep. Rodgers (R-WA) was adopted by a voice vote. [PDF] Added 07/10/2019 at 08:11 AM

Support Documents

  • Markup Notice [PDF]
  • Briefing Memo [PDF]
  • Summary of Subcommittee Action Taken [PDF] Added 07/10/2019 at 05:10 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter of Support from Public Citizen for the STURDY Act [PDF] Added 10/15/2020 at 02:48 PM
  • Document for the Record - Joint Statement from Child Health and Consumer Advocacy Groups Supporting the Safe Cribs Act [PDF] Added 10/15/2020 at 02:48 PM
  • Document for the Record - Joint Statement from Child Health and Consumer Advocacy Groups Supporting the Safe Sleep Act [PDF] Added 10/15/2020 at 02:48 PM
  • Document for the Record - Letter of Support from Consumer Groups for the STURDY Act [PDF] Added 10/15/2020 at 02:48 PM

Member Statements

  • Opening Statement - Full Committee Ranking Member Walden [PDF] Added 08/05/2019 at 12:52 PM
  • Opening Statement - Full Committee Chairman Pallone [PDF] Added 08/05/2019 at 12:52 PM
  • Opening Statement - Subcommittee Chair Schakowsky [PDF] Added 08/05/2019 at 12:56 PM

Hearing Record

  • Unedited Transcript [PDF] Added 08/05/2019 at 12:52 PM

First Published: July 8, 2019 at 06:46 PM
Last Updated: October 15, 2020 at 02:48 PM