Markup of Various Measures

Committee on Foreign Affairs

Wednesday, June 26, 2019 (10:00 AM)

2172 RHOB
Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 3352, Department of State Authorization Act of 2019 [PDF]
  • H.Res. 220, Recognizing the interdependence of diplomacy, development, and defense as critical to effective national security [PDF]
  • H.Res. 221, Reaffirming the importance of upholding democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in United States foreign policy [PDF]
  • H.Res. 222, Emphasizing the importance of alliances and partnerships [PDF]
  • H.Res. 358, Calling on the Government of Cameroon and armed groups to respect the human rights of all Cameroonian citizens, to end all violence, and to pursue a broad-based dialogue without preconditions to resolve the conflict in the Northwest and Southwest regions [PDF]
  • H.R. 2037, Saudi Arabia Human Rights and Accountability Act of 2019 [PDF]
  • H.R. 3206, To impose sanctions with respect to the provision of certain vessels for the construction of Russian energy export pipelines [PDF]
  • H.R.3460, End Neglected Tropical Diseases Act [PDF]


  • Bera Amendment #36 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:37 PM
  • Connolly Amendment #47 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:39 PM
  • Engel Amendment #72 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:42 PM
  • Guest Amendment #7 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:43 PM
  • Houlahan Amendment #27 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:45 PM
  • Houlahan Amendment #32 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:47 PM
  • Keating Amendment #25 to H.R.3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:49 PM
  • Keating Amendment #29 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:51 PM
  • Keating Amendment #30 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:52 PM
  • Keating Amendment #33 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:54 PM
  • Keating Amendment #35 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:57 PM
  • Keating Amendment #36 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 07:59 PM
  • Lieu Amendment #63 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:01 PM
  • Malinowski Amendment #27 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:03 PM
  • Malinowski Amendment #30 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:05 PM
  • Omar Amendment #44 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:07 PM
  • Phillips Amendment #15 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:09 PM
  • Reschenthaler Amendment #1 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:10 PM
  • Smith Amendment #163 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:12 PM
  • Spanberger Amendment #13 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:13 PM
  • Spanberger Amendment #14 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:14 PM
  • Spanberger Amendment #15 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:15 PM
  • Spanberger Amendment #16 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:17 PM
  • Titus Amendment #22 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:19 PM
  • Zeldin Amendment #48 to H.R. 3352 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:20 PM
  • McCaul Amendment #32 to H.R. 2037 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:23 PM
  • McCaul Amendment #28 to H.R. 3206 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:26 PM
  • Kinzinger Amendment #20 to H.R. 3206 [PDF] Added 06/25/2019 at 08:27 PM

Support Documents

  • Markup Summary [PDF] Added 06/26/2019 at 03:01 PM
  • Committee Report [PDF] Added 08/19/2019 at 03:22 PM

Hearing Record

  • Markup Record [PDF] Added 10/31/2019 at 04:15 PM

First Published: June 24, 2019 at 09:55 AM
Last Updated: October 31, 2019 at 04:15 PM