Hearing: “Examining the Proposed ABAWD Rule and its Impact on Hunger and Hardship”

Subcommittee on Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations (Committee on Agriculture)

Wednesday, April 3, 2019 (9:00 AM)

1300 LHOB
Washington, D.C.


Ms. Karen Cunnyngham
Associate Director, Human Services Division, Mathematica Policy Research, Washington, DC

Added 04/02/2019 at 10:43 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Related Witness Support Document [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM

Mr. Sam Adolphsen
Vice President of Executive Affairs, Foundation for Government Accountability, Naples, FL

Added 04/02/2019 at 10:43 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Related Witness Support Document #1 [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 11:24 AM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM

Ms. Lisa Hamler-Fugitt
Executive Director, Ohio Association of Foodbanks, Columbus, OH

Added 04/02/2019 at 10:43 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Related Witness Support Document #1 [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM

Mr. Jay C. Shambaugh
Director, the Hamilton Project; Senior Fellow, Economic Studies at Brookings Institution, Washington, DC

Added 04/02/2019 at 10:43 AM
  • Witness Statement [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Related Witness Support Document #1 [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Related Witness Support Document #2 [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Witness Truth in Testimony [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Witness Biography [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM
  • Curriculum vitae [PDF] Added 04/03/2019 at 07:44 AM

Hearing Record

  • Witness List [PDF] Added 04/02/2019 at 10:43 AM

First Published: March 26, 2019 at 06:02 PM
Last Updated: April 3, 2019 at 11:24 AM