Hearing: Innovation Nation: How Small Businesses in the Digital Technology Industry Use Intellectual Property

Committee on Small Business

Wednesday, July 11, 2018 (11:00 AM)

2360 RHOB
Washington, D.C.


Mr. Frank Cullen
Vice President of U.S. Policy, The Global Innovation Policy Center, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC

  • 7-11-18 Cullen Testimony [PDF]
  • 7-11-18 Cullen Disclosure [PDF]

Mr. Morgan Reed
President, ACT | The App Association, Washington, DC

  • 7-11-18 Reed Testimony [PDF]
  • 7-11-18 Reed Disclosure [PDF]

Mr. Christopher Mohr
Vice President for Intellectual Property and General Counsel, Software & Information Industry Association, Washington, DC

  • 7-11-18 Mohr Testimony [PDF]
  • 7-11-18 Mohr Disclosure [PDF]

Mr. Chris Israel
Executive Director, Alliance for U.S. Startups & Inventors for Jobs, Washington, DC

  • 7-11-18 Israel Testimony [PDF]
  • 7-11-18 Israel Testimony Appendix [PDF]
  • 7-11-18 Israel Disclosure [PDF]

Hearing Record

  • 7-11-18 Hearing Notice [PDF]
  • 7-11-18 Witness List [PDF]

First Published: July 11, 2018 at 11:37 AM