Markup of H.R. 391, the “Asylum Reform and Border Protection Act of 2017” and H. Res. 446, Resolution of inquiry requesting the President and directing the Attorney General to transmit, respectively, certain documents to the House of Representatives relating to the removal of former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey.

Committee on the Judiciary

Wednesday, July 26, 2017 (10:00 AM)

2141 RHOB
Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 391 ih [PDF]
  • H. Res. 446 ih [PDF]


  • ANS to H. Res. 446 [PDF] Added 07/24/2017 at 10:03 AM
  • ANS to H.R. 391 [PDF] Added 07/24/2017 at 10:03 AM
  • Gaetz substitute for the AINS 021 to H. Res. 446 (withdrawn) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:47 PM
  • Gaetz substitute for the AINS 020 to H. Res. 446 (passed 16-13) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:47 PM
  • Johnson (GA) Amendment to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 8-17) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:47 PM
  • Jayapal Amendment 013 to H.R. 391 AINS (not germane) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:47 PM
  • Schneider Amendment 015 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 7-14) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:47 PM
  • Raskin Amendment 014 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 8-13) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:47 PM
  • Jackson Lee Amendment 003 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 10-19) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:47 PM
  • Lieu Amendment 012 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 10-17) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:57 PM
  • Goodlatte Amendment to H.R. 391 AINS (passed 21-0) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:57 PM
  • Lofgren Amendment 018 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 7-15) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:57 PM
  • Nadler Amendment 005 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 8-15) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:57 PM
  • Conyers Amendment 002 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 8-14) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:57 PM
  • Raskin Amendment 007 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 6-14) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:57 PM
  • Jayapal Amendment to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 8-14) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:57 PM
  • Lofgren Amendment 009 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed voice vote) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:57 PM
  • Lofgren Amendment 004 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed voice vote) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:57 PM
  • Lofgren Amendment 019 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 11-16) [PDF] Added 09/12/2017 at 02:23 PM
  • Gutierrez Amendment 017 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed voice vote) [PDF] Added 09/12/2017 at 02:23 PM
  • Jayapal Amendment 008 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 12-19) [PDF] Added 09/12/2017 at 02:23 PM

Support Documents

  • Notice of Markup [PDF] Added 07/24/2017 at 10:17 AM


  • RC #18 H. Res. 446 Final Passage (passed 15-13) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 10:40 AM
  • RC #17 Gaetz Amendment 020 to H. Res.446 AINS (passed 16-13) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 10:40 AM
  • RC #16 Motion to table the appeal of the ruling of the chair (passed 17-9) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 10:40 AM
  • RC #15 Final Passage H.R. 391 (passed 19-11) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 10:40 AM
  • RC #14 Jayapal Amendment 008 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 12-19) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 10:40 AM
  • RC #13 Johnson (GA) Amendment 016 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 8-17) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 10:47 AM
  • RC #12 Lofgren Amendment 019 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 11-16) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 10:47 AM
  • RC #11 Raskin Amendment 014 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 8-13) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 10:47 AM
  • RC #10 Jayapal Amendment to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 8-14) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 10:55 AM
  • RC #9 Schneider Amendment 015 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 7-14) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 11:02 AM
  • RC #8 Raskin Amendment 007 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 6-14) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 01:55 PM
  • RC #7 Motion to table the appeal of the ruling of the chair (passed 15-6) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 01:55 PM
  • RC #6 Nadler Amendment 005 to H.R. 391 AINS [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 01:55 PM
  • RC #5 Conyers Amendment 002 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 8-14) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 01:55 PM
  • RC #4 Goodlatte Amendment to H.R. 391 AINS (21-0) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:02 PM
  • RC #3 Lofgren Amendment 018 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 7-15) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:02 PM
  • RC #2 Lieu Amendment 012 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 10-17) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:02 PM
  • RC #1 Jackson Lee Amendment 003 to H.R. 391 AINS (failed 10-19) [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:02 PM

Hearing Record

  • Hearing: Member Roster [PDF] Added 07/28/2017 at 02:47 PM
  • Hearing Transcript [PDF] Added 09/12/2017 at 02:23 PM

First Published: July 24, 2017 at 10:01 AM
Last Updated: September 12, 2017 at 02:23 PM