Markup of H.R. 1667, the “Financial Institution Bankruptcy Act of 2017”; H.R. 1695, the “Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act of 2017”; H. Res. 184, Resolution of inquiry requesting the President and directing the Attorney General to transmit, respectively, certain documents to the House of Representatives relating to communications with the government of Russia.; and, H. Res. 203, Resolution of inquiry requesting the President, and directing the Attorney General, to transmit, respectively, certain documents to the House of Representatives relating to certain communications by the President of the United States.

Committee on the Judiciary

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 (10:00 AM)

2141 RHOB
Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 1667 ih [PDF] Added 03/27/2017 at 10:06 AM
  • H.R. 1695 ih [PDF] Added 03/27/2017 at 10:06 AM
  • H. Res. 203 ih [PDF] Added 03/27/2017 at 10:06 AM
  • H. Res. 184 ih [PDF] Added 03/27/2017 at 10:06 AM


  • Goodlatte ANS to H. Res. 203 (passed voice vote) [PDF] Added 03/27/2017 at 10:09 AM
  • Goodlatte ANS to H. Res. 184 (passed voice vote) [PDF] Added 03/27/2017 at 10:09 AM
  • Jackson Lee Amendment to H.R. 1695 (passed voice vote) [PDF] Added 03/29/2017 at 04:27 PM
  • Lofgren (1) Amendment to H.R. 1695 (failed voice vote) [PDF] Added 03/29/2017 at 04:27 PM
  • Lofgren (2) Amendment to H.R. 1695 (failed voice vote) [PDF] Added 03/29/2017 at 04:27 PM
  • Lofgren (3) Amendment to H.R. 1695 (failed voice vote) [PDF] Added 03/29/2017 at 04:27 PM
  • Raskin Amendment to the ANS (failed 11-18) [PDF] Added 03/29/2017 at 04:27 PM

Support Documents

  • Notice of Markup [PDF] Added 03/27/2017 at 10:27 AM
  • Issa for the record submission-Amendment Text [PDF] Added 03/31/2017 at 02:22 PM
  • Conyers for the record submission-A President’s Credibility - WSJ [PDF] Added 03/31/2017 at 02:22 PM
  • Goodlatte for the record submission [PDF] Added 03/31/2017 at 02:45 PM
  • Gohmert for the record submission [PDF] Added 03/31/2017 at 02:45 PM
  • Issa for the record submission-Statement of Maria Pallante on March 15, 2016 [PDF] Added 03/31/2017 at 02:45 PM
  • Issa for the record submission-City of Baltimore budget [PDF] Added 03/31/2017 at 02:45 PM
  • Issa for the record submission- LOC Fiscal 2017 Budget Justification (1 of 2) [PDF] Added 03/31/2017 at 02:45 PM
  • Issa for the record submission- LOC Fiscal 2017 Budget Justification (2 of 2) [PDF] Added 03/31/2017 at 02:45 PM
  • Lofgren submission for the record [PDF] Added 04/25/2017 at 09:23 PM


  • RC #4 Final Passage of H. Res. 203 [PDF] Added 03/29/2017 at 04:16 PM
  • RC #3 Raskin Amendment to H. Res. 203 (failed 11-18) [PDF] Added 03/29/2017 at 04:16 PM
  • RC #2 Final Passage of H. Res. 184 [PDF] Added 03/29/2017 at 04:16 PM
  • RC #1 Final Passage of H.R. 1695 [PDF] Added 03/29/2017 at 04:16 PM

Member Statements

  • The Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee [PDF] Added 03/31/2017 at 01:24 PM
  • The Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee [PDF] Added 03/31/2017 at 02:45 PM

Hearing Record

  • Hearing: Member Roster [PDF] Added 03/29/2017 at 04:16 PM

First Published: March 27, 2017 at 10:04 AM
Last Updated: April 25, 2017 at 09:23 PM