Meeting: H.R. 624—Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act

Committee on Rules

Tuesday, April 16, 2013 (3:00 PM)

Washington, D.C.


The Honorable Joe Barton
Member of Congress, Washington D.C.

Added 04/16/2013 at 06:43 PM

The Honorable Trent Franks
Member of Congress, Washington D.C.

Added 04/16/2013 at 06:43 PM

The Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee
Member of Congress, Washington D.C.

Added 04/16/2013 at 06:43 PM

The Honorable Henry C. "Hank" Johnson
Member of Congress, Washington D.C.

Added 04/16/2013 at 06:43 PM

The Honorable Jared Polis
Member of Congress, Washington D.C.

Added 04/16/2013 at 06:43 PM

The Honorable Mike Rogers
Member of Congress, Washington D.C.

Added 04/16/2013 at 06:43 PM

The Honorable C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger
Member of Congress, Washington D.C.

Added 04/16/2013 at 06:43 PM

The Honorable Janice D. Schakowsky
Member of Congress, Washington D.C.

Added 04/16/2013 at 06:43 PM

The Honorable Adam B. Schiff
Member of Congress, Washington D.C.

Added 04/16/2013 at 06:43 PM

Text of Legislation

  • Text of H.R. 624 (as introduced) [PDF] [XML]
  • Text of Rules Committee Print 113-7, showing the text of H.R. 624 as ordered reported by the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence with a modification [PDF] [XML]

Support Documents

  • H. Rept. 113-39—Report from the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence [PDF] Added 04/16/2013 at 06:46 PM
  • H. Res. 164, to accompany H. Rept. 113-41 [PDF] [XML] Added 04/17/2013 at 02:25 PM
  • H. Rept. 113-41, to accompany H. Res. 164 [PDF] Added 04/17/2013 at 02:25 PM


  • Record Votes #20-22 [PDF] Added 04/17/2013 at 02:25 PM

First Published: April 12, 2013 at 09:57 AM
Last Updated: April 17, 2013 at 02:25 PM