Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Building Sustainable Businesses through Employee Ownership at SBA
Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Regulations (Committee on Small Business)
10:00 AM 2360 RHOB
Transitional Housing Reform: Examining the Future of the VA Grant and Per Diem Program
Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity (Committee on Veterans' Affairs)
10:00 AM
Confronting Yemen's Humanitarian and Political Crises Without a Ceasefire
Subcommittee on Middle East, North Africa and Global Counterterrorism (Committee on Foreign Affairs)
10:00 AM 2200 RHOB
Unfinished Business: A Review of Progress Made and a Plan to Achieve Full Economic Inclusion for Every American (Rescheduled)
Subcommittee on Diversity and Inclusion (Committee on Financial Services)
11:00 AM 2128 RHOB
Building a Safer Antarctic Research Environment (Rescheduled)
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
1:00 PM 2318 RHOB
Lessons from the Field: Overcrowding in National Parks
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (Committee on Natural Resources)
1:00 PM 1324 LHOB
1. H. Res. 1479, “Of inquiry requesting the President transmit certain documents in his possession to the House of Representatives relating to the surveillance or monitoring of prog-gun, pro-life, or conservative groups under the Internet Covert Operations Program operated by the United States Postal Inspection Service”; and 2. Several postal naming measures. (Rescheduled)
Committee on Oversight and Reform
1:00 PM 2154 RHOB
Solving the Climate Crisis: Key Accomplishments, Additional Opportunities, and the Need for Continued Action (Rescheduled)
Select Committee on the Climate Crisis
1:15 PM 2167 RHOB
Markup of Various Measures
Committee on Foreign Affairs
E, S, G and W: Examining Private Sector Disclosure of Workforce Management, Investment, and Diversity Data (Rescheduled)
Subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship, and Capital Markets (Committee on Financial Services)
2:00 PM 2128 RHOB
Dec 5   Today   Dec 7