Wednesday, October 23, 2019

"The Pebble Mine Project: Process and Potential Impacts."
Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment (Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)
10:00 AM 2167 RHOB
Protecting Benefits for All Servicemembers
Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity (Committee on Veterans' Affairs)
10:00 AM 210 CAPITOL
Sabotage: The Trump Administration’s Attack on Health Care
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (Committee on Energy and Commerce)
10:00 AM 2123 RHOB
“Examining the Oil Industry’s Efforts to Suppress the Truth about Climate Change”
Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (Committee on Oversight and Accountability)
10:00 AM 2154 RHOB
Markup of: HR 934 (Rep. Scott), To amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 to include certain retirees in the Multiemployer Health Benefit Plan, “Health Benefits for Miners Act of 2019”; HR 935 (Rep. McKinley), To provide for transfers to the 1974 UMWA pension plan and a reduction in the minimum age for allowable in-service distributions. “Miners Pension Protection Act”; HR 2579 (Rep. Grijalva), To modify the requirements applicable to locatable minerals on public domain lands, consistent with the principles of self-initiation of mining claims. “Hardrock Leasing and Reclamation Act of 2019.”
Committee on Natural Resources
10:00 AM
An Examination of Facebook and Its Impact on the Financial Services and Housing Sectors
Committee on Financial Services
10:00 AM 2128 RHOB
H.R. 4, the “Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019”; and H.R. 565, the “Advancing Mutual Interests and Growing Our Success Act” or the “AMIGOS Act”.
Committee on the Judiciary
10:00 AM 2141 RHOB
H.R. 2932, (Mr. Payne) The “Homeland Security for Children Act”; H.R. 3469, (Mr. Cummings) The “Covert Testing and Risk Mitigation Improvement Act of 2019”; H.R. 3787, (Mr. Perry) The “DHS Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems Coordinator Act”; H.R. 4237, (Mr. Ratcliffe) The “Advancing Cybersecurity Diagnostics and Mitigation Act”; H.R. 4402, (Mrs. Lesko) The “Inland Waters Security Review Act”; H.R. 4713, (Mr. Green of Texas) The “Department of Homeland Security Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Authorization Act”; H.R.4727 (Mr. McEachin) The “Department of Homeland Security Mentor Protégé Program Act of 2019”; H.R4737, (Ms. Clarke) The “Department of Homeland Security Climate Change Research Act”; H.R. 4739, (Ms. Clarke) The “Synthetic Opioid Exposure Prevention and Training Act”; H.R.4753, (Mr. Crenshaw) The “Drone Origin Security Enhancement Act”; H.R.4761, (Mr. Higgins) The “DHS Opioid Detection Resilience Act of 2019”; H.R.____, (Mr. Thompson) The “National Commission on Online Platforms and Homeland Security Act”.
Committee on Homeland Security
10:00 AM 310 CHOB
The Betrayal of our Syrian Kurdish Partners: How Will American Foreign Policy and Leadership Recover?
Committee on Foreign Affairs
10:00 AM 2172 RHOB
The Future of Work: Preserving Worker Protections in the Modern Economy
Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions (Committee on Education and the Workforce)
10:15 AM 2175 RHOB
"Building a 100 Percent Clean Economy: Solutions for Planes, Trains and Everything Beyond Automobiles"
Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change (Committee on Energy and Commerce)
10:30 AM 2322 RHOB
Prison to Proprietorship: Entrepreneurship Opportunities for the Formerly Incarcerated
Committee on Small Business
11:30 AM 2360 RHOB
Markup of: •H.R. 4742, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to impose a tax on nicotine used in vaping, etc.” •H.R. 4716, “Inhaler Coverage and Access Now Act’’ •H.R. 1922, the “Restoring Access to Medication Act of 2019” •H.R. 3708, the “Primary Care Enhancement Act of 2019”
Committee on Ways and Means
1:00 PM 1100 LHOB
Space Weather: Advancing Research, Monitoring, and Forecasting Capabilities
Subcommittee on Environment (Committee on Science, Space, and Technology)
2:00 PM 2318 RHOB
“The Trump Administration’s Syria Policy: Perspectives from the Field”
Subcommittee on National Security (Committee on Oversight and Accountability)
2:00 PM 2154 Select one
The Trump Administration’s FY 2020 Budget and U.S. Policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean
Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Civilian Security and Trade (Committee on Foreign Affairs)
2:00 PM 2172 RHOB