Title | Time | Location |
Internal Revenue Service’s Information Technology Modernization Efforts (Rescheduled)
Subcommittee on Oversight
(Committee on Ways and Means)
9:00 AM
2020 RHOB
H.R. 2936, Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2017,
H.R. 2521, South Carolina Peanut Parity Act of 2017,
H.R. 2921, National Forest System Vegetation Management Pilot Program Act of 2017,
H.R. 2941, Kisatchie National Forest Land Conveyance Act,
H.R. 3567, To authorize the purchase of a small parcel of National Resources Conservation Service property in Riverside, California, by the Riverside Corona Resource Conservation District, and for other purposes
Committee on Agriculture
9:30 AM
1300 LHOB
H.R. 3548, (Mr. McCaul) To make certain improvements to the security of the international borders of the United States, and for other purposes. The “Border Security for America Act of 2017”.
Committee on Homeland Security
10:00 AM
Building a 21st Century Infrastructure for America: Rail Stakeholders’ Perspectives
Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
(Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)
10:00 AM
2167 RHOB
Air Quality Impacts of Wildfires: Perspectives of Key Stakeholders
Subcommittee on Environment
(Committee on Energy and Commerce)
10:00 AM
2123 RHOB
State Department’s Antiterrorism Assistance Program: The GAO Review
Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa
(Committee on Foreign Affairs)
10:00 AM
2172 RHOB
Powering Exploration: An Update on Radioisotope Production and Lessons Learned from Cassini”
Subcommittee on Space
(Committee on Science, Space, and Technology)
10:00 AM
2318 RHOB
“Examining the SEC’s Agenda, Operations, and Budget”
Committee on Financial Services
10:00 AM
2128 RHOB
H.R. 3441, Save Local Business Act
Committee on Education and the Workforce
10:00 AM
2175 RHOB
Bill to Improve Seniors’ Access to Medicare
Committee on Ways and Means
10:30 AM
1100 LHOB
Small Business Tax Reform: Modernizing the Code for the Nation’s Job Creators
Committee on Small Business
11:00 AM
2360 RHOB
Energy and Commerce Committee Vote on H.R. 849, H.R. 1148, H.R., 2465, H.R. 2557, H.R. 3120, H.R. 3245, H.R. 3263, H.R. 3271, H.R. __, CHAMPION Act, and H.R. __, HEALTHY KIDS Act
Subcommittee on Health
(Committee on Energy and Commerce)
1:00 PM
2123 RHOB
Markup of Energy and Commerce Committee Vote on H.R. 849, H.R. 1148, H.R., 2465, H.R. 2557, H.R. 3120, H.R. 3245, H.R. 3263, H.R. 3271, H.R. __, CHAMPION Act, and H.R. __, HEALTHY KIDS Act
Committee on Energy and Commerce
1:00 PM
2123 RHOB
Legislative Hearing on H.R. 146 (Rep. Chuck Fleischmann), "Eastern Band Cherokee Historic Lands Reacquisition Act"; H.R. 2402 (Rep. Ben Ray Lujan), "San Juan County Settlement Implementation Act"; and H.R. 2606 (Rep. Tom Cole), "Stigler Act Amendments of 2017."
Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs
(Committee on Natural Resources)
2:00 PM
1334 LHOB
Iranian Backed Militias: Destabilizing the Middle East (Rescheduled)
Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade
(Committee on Foreign Affairs)
3:30 PM
2200 RHOB