Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Examining the Policies and Priorities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Committee on Education and Labor
9:00 AM via Zoom Select one
a committee print to provide for the availability of amounts for customer education initiatives and non-awards expenses of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Whistleblower Program, and for other purposes.
Committee on Agriculture
9:30 AM 1300 LHOB
Supporting Small Entities through Investments in the National Infrastructure: Broadband
Subcommittee on Underserved, Agricultural, and Rural Business Development (Committee on Small Business)
10:00 AM 2360 RHOB
Veteran Homelessness in the Wake of COVID-19
Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity (Committee on Veterans' Affairs)
10:00 AM --- Select one
The Biden Administration's Priorities for Engagement with the United Nations
Committee on Foreign Affairs
10:00 AM 2172 RHOB
“1890 Land Grant Institutions: Investing for Agricultural Resiliency, Equity, and Global Impact”
Committee on Agriculture
10:00 AM 1300 LHOB
Flexible Federal Funding: Examining the Community Development Block Grant Program and Its Impact on Addressing Local Challenges
Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development, and Insurance (Committee on Financial Services)
10:00 AM
Drinking Water and PFAS Legislation
Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change (Committee on Energy and Commerce)
10:30 AM
Department of the Air Force Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Request
Committee on Armed Services
11:00 AM 2118 RHOB
S. 475—Juneteenth National Independence Day Act
Committee on Rules
12:15 PM
On H.R. 2070, 'Puerto Rico Self-Determination Act of 2021' and H.R. 1522, 'Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Act'.
Committee on Natural Resources
1:00 PM
“Jumpstarting Main Street: Bringing Jobs & Wealth Back to Forgotten America”
Subcommittee on Environment (Committee on Oversight and Accountability)
1:00 PM 2154 RHOB
“Starships and Stripes Forever – An Examination of the FAA’s Role in the Future of Spaceflight."
Subcommittee on Aviation (Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)
2:00 PM 2167 RHOB
Schemes and Subversion: How Bad Actors and Foreign Governments Undermine and Evade Sanctions Regimes
Subcommittee on National Security, International Development, and Monetary Policy (Committee on Financial Services)
2:00 PM