Title | Time | Location |
“Regulatory Harm or Harmonization? Examining the Opportunity to Improve the Cyber Regulatory Regime.”
Subcommittee on Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection
(Committee on Homeland Security)
10:00 AM
310 CHOB
The State of U.S. Shipbuilding
Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces
(Committee on Armed Services)
10:00 AM
2118 RHOB
“Restoring the SBA: Putting Main Street America First”
Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Regulations
(Committee on Small Business)
10:00 AM
2360 RHOB
“Shifting Gears: Moving from Recovery to Prevention of Improper Payments and Fraud”
Subcommittee on Government Operations
(Committee on Oversight and Government Reform)
10:00 AM
2247 RHOB
"Water Infrastructure Financing: WIFIA and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund"
Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment
(Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)
10:00 AM
2167 RHOB
“Antitrust Law and the NCAA: Examining the Current Climate”
Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust
(Committee on the Judiciary)
10:00 AM
2141 RHOB
Member Day
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
10:00 AM
2318 RHOB
Navigating the Digital Payments Ecosystem: Examining a Federal Framework for Payment Stablecoins and Consequences of a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency
Committee on Financial Services
10:00 AM
2128 RHOB
"Maximizing Opportunities for Redeveloping Brownfields Sites: Assessing the Potential for New American Innovation."
Subcommittee on Environment
(Committee on Energy and Commerce)
10:15 AM
2123 RHOB
Legislative Hearing on: H.R. 913, Streamlining Aviation for Eligible Veterans Act of 2025, H.R. 980, the Modernizing the Veterans On-Campus Experience Act of 2025, H.R.1364, the Automotive Support Services to Improve Safe Transportation Act of 2025, H.R. 1458, the Veterans Education and Technical Skills Opportunity Act of 2025, H.R. 1960, the Simplifying Veterans Assistance Act of 2025, H.R. 1527, the Reforming Education for Veterans Act, H.R. 1793, the Veterans Readiness and Employment Transparency Act of 2025, H.R. 1872, Fairness in Veterans’ Education Act, H.R. 1815, VA Home Loan Program Reform Act, H.R. 1814, Restoring the VA Home Loan Program in Perpetuity Act of 2025 , H.R. 1957, the End Veteran Homelessness Act of 2025, H.R. 1423, Guard and Reserve Parity Act of 2025, Discussion Draft, To amend title 38, United States Code, to modify the conditions under which the Secretary of Veterans Affairs is required to redevelop the individualized vocational rehabilitation plan for a veteran, and for other purposes, and H.R. 1803, the Fair Access to Co-ops for Veterans Act of 2025
Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity
(Committee on Veterans' Affairs)
10:15 AM
360 CHOB
Legislative hearing on: H.R. 1820 (Rep. Ciscomani), “Federal Lands Amplified Security for the Homeland Act” or the “FLASH Act”.
Subcommittee on Federal Lands
(Committee on Natural Resources)
10:15 AM
1324 LHOB
"Education Without Limits: Exploring the Benefits of School Choice"
Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education
(Committee on Education and Workforce)
10:15 AM
2175 RHOB
Innovative Techniques in Military Construction
Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
(Committee on Appropriations)
10:30 AM
2362A RHOB
Organizational Meeting of the Joint Committee on Printing
Committee on House Administration
2:00 PM
S-219 Select one
Arms Control, International Security, and U.S. Assistance to Europe: Review and Reforms for the State Department
Europe Subcommittee
(Committee on Foreign Affairs)
2:00 PM
2200 RHOB
After the Hospital: Ensuring Access to Quality Post-Acute Care
Subcommittee on Health
(Committee on Ways and Means)
2:00 PM
1100 LHOB
“Enhancing Federal, State, and Local Coordination in the Fight Against Criminal Illegal Aliens”
Subcommittee on Federal Law Enforcement
(Committee on Oversight and Government Reform)
2:00 PM
2247 RHOB
Reauthorizing the U.S. Development Finance Corporation
East Asia and Pacific Subcommittee
(Committee on Foreign Affairs)
2:00 PM
2172 RHOB
“Eliminating Waste, Fraud, and Abuse at the Department of Homeland Security: Addressing the Biden-Harris Administration’s Failures.”
Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability
(Committee on Homeland Security)
2:00 PM
310 CHOB
Legislative Hearing on: Discussion Draft, Standardizing Treatment and Referral Times Act; Discussion Draft, No Wrong Door for Veterans Act; Discussion Draft, Providing Veterans Essential Medications Act; Discussion Draft, Veterans Supporting Prosthetics Opportunities and Recreational Therapy Act; Discussion Draft, To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Comptroller General of the United States to report on certain funding shortfalls in the Department of Veterans Affairs; H.R. 217, CHIP IN for Veterans Act (Rep. Bacon); H.R. 1107, Protecting Veteran Access to Telemedicine Services Act of 2025 (Rep. Womack); H.R. 1336, The Veterans National Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Act (Rep. Murphy); H.R. 658, To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish qualifications for the appointment of a person as a marriage and family therapist, qualified to provide clinical supervision, in the Veterans Health Administration; Discussion Draft, Copay Fairness for Veterans Act; Discussion Draft, Saving Our Veterans Lives Act; and Discussion Draft, Women Veterans Cancer Care Coordination Act
Subcommittee on Health
(Committee on Veterans' Affairs)
2:15 PM
360 CHOB
Organizational Meeting of the Joint Committee on the Library
Committee on House Administration
2:15 PM
Full Committee Markup on Various Measures
Committee on House Administration
3:00 PM
1310 LHOB