Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Maritime Transportation: The Role of U.S Ships and Mariners (Rescheduled)
Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation (Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)
9:30 AM 2167 RHOB
The Call for Economic Liberty in the Arab World
Committee on Foreign Affairs
9:30 AM 2172 RHOB
H.R. 982, the "Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency (FACT) Act of 2013"
Committee on the Judiciary
10:00 AM 2141 RHOB
"Qualified Mortgages: Examining the Impact of the Ability to Repay Rule"
Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit (Committee on Financial Services)
10:00 AM 2128 RHOB
The Current and Future Applications of Biometric Technologies
Subcommittee on Research (Committee on Science, Space, and Technology)
10:00 AM 2318 RHOB
OGR "Examining the Concerns About ObamaCare Outreach Campaign."
Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health Care, and Entitlements (Committee on Oversight and Accountability)
10:00 AM 2154 RHOB
Chairman Brady Announces Hearing on the President’s and Other Bipartisan Proposals to Reform Medicare
Subcommittee on Health (Committee on Ways and Means)
10:00 AM 1100 LHOB
Cyber Threats and Security Solutions
Committee on Energy and Commerce
10:00 AM 2123 RHOB
The Future of the CFTC: Market Perspectives
Committee on Agriculture
10:00 AM 1300 LHOB
"Reviewing the President's Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Proposal for the U.S. Department of Education"
Committee on Education and the Workforce
10:00 AM 2181 RHOB
“Visa Security and Overstays: How Secure is America?"
Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security (Committee on Homeland Security)
10:00 AM 311 CHOB
Legislative Hearing on Draft Legislation, ‘The Veterans Integrated Mental Health Care Act of 2013;’ Draft Legislation, ‘The Demanding Accountability for Veterans Act of 2013;’ H.R. 241; H.R. 288; H.R. 984; and H.R. 1284
Subcommittee on Health (Committee on Veterans' Affairs)
10:00 AM 334 CHOB
Oversight hearing on data collection issues in relation to the reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.
Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs (Committee on Natural Resources)
10:30 AM 1334 LHOB
Oversight Hearing: “Perspectives on the Management of Federal and State Land: Testimony by Governor Gary Herbert (R-UT), Chairman of the Western Governors’ Association”
Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation (Committee on Natural Resources)
10:30 AM 1324 LHOB
FY 2014 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Bill and Report on the Suballocation of Budget Allocations for FY 2014
Committee on Appropriations
11:00 AM 2359 RHOB
Understanding the Cost Drivers of Passenger Rail
Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials (Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)
1:00 PM 2167 RHOB
“Why Can’t DHS Better Communicate with the American People?” (Rescheduled)
Subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency (Committee on Homeland Security)
1:30 PM 311 CHOB
Cybersecurity: An Examination of the Communications Supply Chain
Subcommittee on Communications and Technology (Committee on Energy and Commerce)
2:00 PM 2123 RHOB
The Growing Crisis in Africa's Sahel Region
Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations (Committee on Foreign Affairs)
2:00 PM 2172 RHOB
Next Steps in Human Exploration to Mars and Beyond
Subcommittee on Space (Committee on Science, Space, and Technology)
2:00 PM 2318 RHOB
"The Unintended Consequences of Dodd-Frank's Conflict Minerals Provision"
Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade (Committee on Financial Services)
2:00 PM 2128 RHOB
H.R. 3—Northern Route Approval Act
Committee on Rules
3:00 PM H-313 CAPITOL