Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Members Day (Rescheduled)
Subcommittee on Defense (Committee on Appropriations)
8:50 AM H-140 CAPITOL
"Federal Land Acquisition and its Impacts on Communities and the Environment"
Subcommittee on Federal Lands (Committee on Natural Resources)
9:00 AM 1324 LHOB
Joint Hearing with the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform's Subcommittee on Health Care, Benefits and Administrative Rules entitled, “Oversight of Efforts to Reform the Export-Import Bank of the United States”
Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade (Committee on Financial Services)
10:00 AM 2154 RHOB
FY 2016 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill - Subcommittee
Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies (Committee on Appropriations)
10:00 AM 2362-B RHOB
The President’s UN Climate Pledge: Scientifically Justified or a New Tax on Americans?
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
10:00 AM 2318 RHOB
To consider the following bills and other legislative business: H.R. ____ - The Regulatory Integrity Protection Act; H.R. 1471 - FEMA Disaster Assistance Reform Act of 2015; H.R. 1472 - Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Modernization Act of 2015; H.R. 1473 - John F. Kennedy Center Reauthorization Act of 2015; H.R. 944 - To reauthorize the National Estuary Program, and for other purposes; H.R. 336 - To direct the Administrator of General Services, on behalf of the Archivist of the United States, to convey certain Federal property located in the State of Alaska to the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska; H.R. 172 - To designate the United States courthouse located at 501 East Court Street in Jackson, Mississippi, as the “R. Jess Brown United States Courthouse”; H.Con.Res. 21 - Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby ; H.Con.Res. 25 - Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers Memorial Service and the National Honor Guard and Pipe Band Exhibition; H.R. 1690 - To designate the United States courthouse located at 700 Grant Street in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the “Joseph F. Weis Jr. United States Courthouse”.
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
10:00 AM 2167 RHOB
OGR Joint Hearing, "Oversight of Efforts to Reform the Export-Import Bank of the United States" with House Committee on Financial Services Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade
Subcommitte on Health Care, Benefits and Administrative Rules (Committee on Oversight and Accountability)
10:00 AM 2154 RHOB
Confronting Russia’s Weaponization of Information
Committee on Foreign Affairs
10:00 AM 2172 RHOB
Full Committee Markup
Committee on Energy and Commerce
10:00 AM 2123 RHOB
“Serving Students and Families through Child Nutrition Programs” (Rescheduled)
Committee on Education and the Workforce
10:00 AM 2175 RHOB
The Risk of Losing Military Technology Superiority and its Implications for U.S. Policy, Strategy, and Posture in the Asia-Pacific
Committee on Armed Services
10:00 AM 2118 RHOB
H.R. 427, the “Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2015”; H.R. 1759, the “All Economic Regulations are Transparent (ALERT) Act of 2015”; and H.R. 758, the “Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act of 2015”
Committee on the Judiciary
10:00 AM 2141 RHOB
Securities and Exchange Commission Budget
Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government (Committee on Appropriations)
10:00 AM 2359 RHOB
Ebola Budget
Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Committee on Appropriations)
10:00 AM 2358-C RHOB
Special Activities (Closed)
Subcommittee on the National Security Agency and Cybersecurity (Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence)
10:00 AM HVC-304 CAPITOL
The Past, Present, and Future of SNAP: The World of Nutrition and the Role of the Charitable Sector
Committee on Agriculture
10:00 AM 1300 LHOB
“Examining the Future Impacts of President Obama’s Offshore Energy Plan.”
Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources (Committee on Natural Resources)
10:00 AM 1334 LHOB
“Denver VA Medical Center: Constructing a Way Forward”
Committee on Veterans' Affairs
10:30 AM 334 CHOB
“Assessing the Promise and Progress of the Choice Program” (Rescheduled)
Committee on Veterans' Affairs
10:30 AM 334 CHOB
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Budget (Rescheduled)
Subcommittee on Homeland Security (Committee on Appropriations)
11:00 AM 2362-A RHOB
4-15-2015 Tax Reform: Ensuring that Main Street Isn't Left Behind
Committee on Small Business
11:00 AM 2360 RHOB
FY 2016 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill - Subcommittee
Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies (Committee on Appropriations)
11:30 AM 2358-A RHOB
"The Taxpayer Advocate Annual Report."
Subcommittee on Government Operations (Committee on Oversight and Accountability)
1:00 PM 2154 RHOB
“Examining Regulatory Burdens on Non-Depository Financial Institutions”
Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit (Committee on Financial Services)
1:00 PM 2175 RHOB
Analyzing Misconduct in Federal Law Enforcement
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations (Committee on the Judiciary)
2:00 PM 2141 RHOB
United Nations and International Organizations Budget
Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (Committee on Appropriations)
2:00 PM 2359 RHOB
An Overview of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Missions
Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation (Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)
2:00 PM 2253 RHOB
The Role of Surface Forces in Presence, Deterrence, and Warfighting
Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces (Committee on Armed Services)
2:00 PM 2212 RHOB
H.R. 1150 and H. Res. 50
Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations (Committee on Foreign Affairs)
2:00 PM 2172 RHOB
The Continuing Threat of Neglected Tropical Diseases
Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations (Committee on Foreign Affairs)
2:30 PM 2172 RHOB
Fiscal Year 2016 Nuclear Forces Hearing
Subcommittee on Strategic Forces (Committee on Armed Services)
3:30 PM 2118 RHOB