Wednesday, February 16, 2022

FC Markup on multiple bills.
Committee on Natural Resources
10:00 AM
Defending U.S. Allies and Interests Against Russian Aggression in Eastern Europe
Subcommittee on National Security (Committee on Oversight and Accountability)
10:00 AM
Why Congress Needs to Abolish the Debt Limit (Virtual)
Committee on the Budget
11:00 AM Zoom ----------
“Connecting America: Oversight of NTIA”
Subcommittee on Communications and Technology (Committee on Energy and Commerce)
12:00 PM
Congress Back Home: Modernizing District Office Operations
Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress
12:00 PM Virtual ----------
An Unprecedented Investment for Historic Results: How Federal Support for MDIs and CDFIs Have Launched a New Era for Disadvantaged Communities
Committee on Financial Services
12:00 PM
Business Meeting
Committee on Education and Labor
12:00 PM 2175 RHOB
Serving All Students: Promoting a Healthier, More Supportive School Environment
Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education (Committee on Education and the Workforce)
12:15 PM via Zoom ----------
“FEMA Priorities for 2022: Stakeholder Perspectives”
Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management (Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)
2:00 PM 2167 RHOB
Big Data: Privacy Risks and Needed Reforms in the Public and Private Sectors
Committee on House Administration
2:00 PM 1310 LHOB